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#142 Jason Vitale from Beatdown Clipper Company
June 14, 2023

#142 Jason Vitale from Beatdown Clipper Company

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Are you a night owl or an early bird? Discover why our guest prefers the late shift and how the concept of waking up early might be a bit outdated. Join us as we chat with our good friend Jason from Beatdown Clipper Company, discussing everything from our preferred daily schedules to our favorite types of beers and their impact on our wallets.

In this lively conversation, we dive into the history of steel production in Pittsburgh, exploring how it has shaped the city's identity and influenced small businesses like Jason's. We also share our thoughts on the challenges that small businesses face when competing against larger corporations and the importance of supporting local entrepreneurs.

Get ready for some heartwarming (and hilarious) cat stories as we share our experiences with our feline friends and their unique personalities. We also discuss the importance of taking care of our voices and the impact it can have on our favorite vocalists. Finally, we talk about what it takes for metal music to be truly enjoyable - it's not just about the heavy sound! Don't miss out on this fun and informative episode with Jason from Beatdown Clipper Company.

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Speaker 1:

You're now listening to the Wilson King Podcast. This episode of the Wilson King Podcast is brought to you by BrightLive.

Speaker 2:

Contact BrightLive for all your wedding entertainment band and DJ needs BrightLiveEventscom. Brightliveevents at gmailcom. Or visit us on Facebook at BrightLive. What is up everybody? How's it going? We're at another beautiful day inside the Wilson King Podcast studio. We are hanging out with a good friend of mine, jason from Beatdown Clipper Company. What is up, man? I'm so happy to be here, dude. This has been a long time in the making.

Speaker 1:

It's been over a year. It's been a long ass time. We've been playing this since Fort Hood. Yeah, yeah, we've been playing that since Fort Hood And ever since then you're like come on down. I'm like, i am, i am, i just not.

Speaker 2:

I just need to find the time.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, is that dude.

Speaker 2:

dude, that's a fucking hike, which I appreciate you making the trip down, dude absolutely, man.

Speaker 1:

I was very excited And then I found out like that. I slept through both of my alarms this morning and I looked at the clock and I'm like fuck, i was supposed to be there in noon, mm, hmm.

Speaker 2:

I'll do listen. It happens the best of us. We threw a fucking rager of a party last night So I woke up at like nine this morning. I'm like I hope he doesn't get here at noon. I don't feel like getting up yet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I didn't know how you, i don't know how like the, you know how you ran it, but if I was like missing a hard time of 12 o'clock and I showed up at like 130, i didn't want you to storm out of the house. You're like what? the?

Speaker 2:

fuck, you're not dog, listen it's. We're very good vibes here And, um, nah, dude, it's super chill. I mean normally on days I'm playing, on recording, i don't even book anything to like do until like way later in the evening, just like you know what I mean. So like there, like 12 o'clock was just kind of like a hey, like, if you want to get down here at 12, you can get down here at 12, you want to get down here earlier, it's really up to you, because my day is free.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i do prefer doing things later in the day. Like I was reading something a while ago and it was somebody pretty much like making the point of like when in Earth's history, or like the history of society, did we start like making the decision to do everything at the ass crack at dawn? Like why aren't we doing it like when we're already up and you know awake, and stuff like that? I've like always thought about that too. Like why the fuck am I getting up at five in the morning to go to work? You know what I mean. Like why are we not like why are we not working at? like, why aren't we not starting the day at noon? You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

I mean. So me, i'm an early bird kind of person, like, so I wake up at the ass crack at dawn because there's only so much time in the day to do shit And I try to like do everything in a day Like I'm one of them people. So, like my normal work day is I wake up at 330 in the morning, i leave my house at like 424 30, drive to work, work eight hours, drive home from work, get home about 430 in the afternoon And then from five till 839 o'clock you know getting dinner ready, you know doing some things around the house, maybe play some video games, and then it's bedtime.

Speaker 1:

I could never.

Speaker 2:

But also I am the type of person that can run on like four to five hours of sleep and it'd be the same as me getting eight or nine.

Speaker 1:

I could do that too, but from a very young age I realized that I was not a morning person And I prefer to do everything later because I feel like there shouldn't be a limit on your time in the day And it's a very stupid concept. But like, if you hear me out, like it'll make sense. So, like, i have a girlfriend who wakes up naturally at like seven in the morning and she tries to get me up And I totally not receptive of it. You know what I mean. I don't want to wake up. I wake up. My body naturally wakes me up. But here's the thing When I get up, i go straight into grind mode because my body's rested. I know what I have to do. Like, if I'm, you know, going to go cut the grass, i'm going to cut the grass when the sun's going down. It's more efficient. That way I'm not breaking a sweat. If I'm going to work on like a dirt bike, i might be working on that dirt bike at midnight because, like, why not? It's easier, i don't have to, you know, worry about anything else going on the day. I go to sleep. When I go to sleep, i wake up when I wake up. Now, if there's one thing that I will not do like late, like I'm not playing video games at three in the morning. I'm not, you know, eating past midnight. I rarely ever eat past, you know, 11 o'clock at night. But like I never really, i never really have anything going on in the morning. Anyway, i don't like eat in the morning, i don't. I don't really start functioning until 10. So if I'm up at like six or like even earlier, like if we go to drill or anything like that, i'm not even a person until like noon, and then, like you know, i mean, then we're, we're good to go.

Speaker 2:

I mean them early mornings. Early bird gets the worm bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but at the same time, like I love being able to see the sun come up while I'm still awake. You know what I mean. Because, like We're all animals, some animals are nocturnal. Some animals or whatever the hell that word is they sleep at night. I am a nocturnal animal like I love just being up at night, because then, like my, my school schedule conflicts with it too, because, like, i get out of school at 10 30, then I got to drive an hour home through Pittsburgh in the traffic, so like I don't get home till about midnight anyway, and then I come home, my girlfriend's in bed. I'm like man. I'm like I'm ready to party, like you know, let's, let's do something, let's watch a movie. Sometimes I'm like let's go to a restaurant, but like none of them are open since COVID. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, man, like most of the activities I like doing outside of work are way better to do in the morning, like hunting Way better to do first thing in the morning. Do you want to go play golf? Way better to do first thing in the morning. Yeah, fishing, fishing morning.

Speaker 1:

That, like that, when I fish, like to, to get a like a actual like good time with fishing, like it's always way earlier in the morning, especially like bass. I'm just gonna night fishing for catfish for muskie.

Speaker 2:

I do love cat fishing. You ever been muskie fishing? Yeah, I've caught a few. Not like throw way better than catching a catfish. I will die on that hill is it Well?

Speaker 1:

it makes it different Well it makes it different.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a lot harder of a fight.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, and I have a fucking sharp ass teeth and I well, one of my buddies, he catches a lot of muskie And he told me that he start. He stopped using regular line and started using like Whatever, like was, like steel or braided line.

Speaker 2:

Anytime I muskie fish, i'm using braided line with a steel leader.

Speaker 1:

Because, yeah, because I'll snap right through it and I'm like you know what, like it's cool and all to catch like big fish, like that, but if I'm fighting for like A few good minutes and then all of a sudden, like I pulled out of the boat, it snaps its jaw shut And then it falls back into the water. And I'm gonna try always using that. Yeah, true, true, i didn't more of a bass fisherman, but I mean, that's fine, you like Bud Light too, don't you?

Speaker 2:

I'm fucking with you.

Speaker 1:

No Bud Light, i don't drink any light beer I drink. make a little ball trip Man, that's the only beer my girlfriend will drink.

Speaker 2:

I had two cooler fools of it out on the porch right now.

Speaker 1:

I just don't think, like if it doesn't have like a, if it doesn't have some sort of like punch, like I can't drink it.

Speaker 2:

Well, see, listen, make a little ball trip is my. I'm drinking from like Noon until I pass the fuck out tonight beer.

Speaker 1:

You know what I mean? It doesn't blow cheese made of water? Yeah well, i'll be just made of water, but it is water.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but now you know, if I'm like, okay, i want to have like a nice beer with dinner or, like you know, maybe only drink like two or three, i'm going straight from my, you know, craft beers, either it be from a micro brew or a macro brew.

Speaker 1:

What would you say? your like tier list of like beers are like, not like. Not like Brands and names, but like types. So like Pilsner IPA.

Speaker 2:

Pilsner's at the bottom. Yeah, pilsner's at the bottom, even though I drink Pilsner, so like make a little ball trip of Pilsner, budweiser, bud Light all them are Pilsner's. They're at the bottom because, like they're the most bland, there's no flavor. They all taste like piss. It doesn't matter what Pilsner you drink, they all taste like piss.

Speaker 1:

Except Carlsberg. I don't know if you ever read Carlsberg Pilsner. No, that, that's a different story for a different time, but that's okay So.

Speaker 2:

I'd go Pilsner sour. It's not a big fan of sour, i can't do sour. No, i'm going from bottom to top. So Pilsner sour and then, fuck, dude, there's so many different. I like a good colch. I like a good Belgian, like a good, uh Belgian. Uh, god damn it. I used to have one in here, uh, buh-buh-buh. Ipa's are good. I Scottish reds are good. Porters and stouts are like. My tier one like wintertime hits porters and stouts all the time, always. But honestly, man, i'm more of like a porter stout guy. Ipa like a good Scottish red or a good like belgian, or, needless to say, a quadruple belgian, is like my go-to thing. Yeah, um, but Yeah, that's mine. Just Bears it with flavor. Mm-hmm, i mean, i get it. What's your tier list? You asked me. Now It's on to you.

Speaker 1:

Number one is is sour's. Okay, let's go bottom to top. So bottom It's gonna be Pilsner. And then, right above that, i'm probably gonna say Cezanne's, which are like just really like. It's not like this tier list isn't like hate to love, it's just what I Would drink, you know, preferably, preferably, so like bottom be Pilsner. So like Carlsberg Pilsner is my favorite Pilsner ever. It was really big in Poland, like, um, i think it's brewed in Denmark That's where it comes from But like it's just a really crisp, refreshing beer. You know what I mean. It's pretty light too, um, and like Cezanne's that's usually brewed with. That's like a. It's like a Pilsner with like a little bit like a fruitier essence to it.

Speaker 2:

Um, I Have so. So that'd be more like I feel, like American beer. Would that be more like a lining coogles, like summer shandy type of thing?

Speaker 1:

No, because because a shandy is like a beer and a like something mixed with it. Um, cezanne is like, it's like All right, let's take, for instance, you take micolob ultra and you take that brewing process and let's say you add like a little bit of fruit to it you know what I mean and it gives you like more like a, like a Essencey beer. You know what I mean. Sounds French, it is, it is, i think I don't know. Don't quote me, huh, but I'm quoting you. He said it is French, i think it's French. But that's number two, um. Number three, probably, probably IPAs, and I put IPAs at three because I like them, but I don't love them. Like, if there's one around like I'll pick it up and I'll drink it, but like I'm not, i'm not like gonna go like seek out an IPA, unless like It's like an IPA that I've had before and I loved, like flying dogs, raging bitch, that's like my favorite IPA of all time. Um, two would be logger and then One would be sour, and I say sour is because you can pretty much make a sour taste like anything, and I recently, um Went out with some buddies because we went to go get Chipotle, and then there's like a Beer distributor like right next to it and they have like all like the really nice beers and uh, they had this one from um, this company called hitchhiker brewing And they make some of the best beer and this one was a. It was a fruited sour And the name it was like 18 degrees North 44, something like. It was a really like weird name, but the um, the picture on it was like an old map and it had like um, i think it was like a Caribbean island on it. They partnered up with this company that uh makes rum and they pretty much made a Sour beer that tastes like a painkiller cocktail. I don't know if you ever had a painkiller, but it's, it's fucking delicious. It's orange, pineapple, coconut cream, little bit of nutmeg. You know what I mean. Really overproof rum, like it's like in the tiki drink era era. Um. I love cocktails, but having that um beer Tastes just like a painkiller. It was probably the best beer. It was 20 bucks for four of them.

Speaker 2:

That's cheap.

Speaker 1:

I don't know when you're, when you're like a 23 year old college student, it's not very cheap.

Speaker 2:

I mean for craft beer, that's cheap. Last time I went into a beer distributor I bought four, four, four, four packs of beer. All craft beer cost me 130 dollars, jesus.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean When you think of, when you think of beer objectively, like it's very expensive for like That much money for like just some brew, but like it it is very, very like carefully made. There's a lot that goes into it, like especially the beer that I had. I killed four cans in two days And I was so sick about it. I was like god damn it, i'm down 20 bucks now. That was five dollars a can. I was so jacked but like at the same time like I could not believe how good it was.

Speaker 2:

Oh bro, I bring to a concert venue And bought beer. It's just like 16 dollars for a tall boy.

Speaker 1:

You slam them. I'm always at concert venues because I'm playing the shows and Listen. Just because you're playing the shows, that doesn't mean they're gonna give you anything cheaper Like they'll still make you run open a tab. They're not gonna give you a discount like it's, unless you're like Big and you run down on the bar mid-show and you're like give me a beer like bro, just suck it from the back.

Speaker 2:

They'll be okay, i wish. but uh, dude, before we go out, go down the route of music. I want to talk to you about Beat down a little bit in depth. Okay so I remember, like one point Um, you and I were talking and I remember you said you were in barber school and then the next time we talked like Oh hey, by the way, also I'm an beard oil company. Where'd that come from? Like, where that idea to like open one up come from?

Speaker 1:

um, so I am very, i'm very passionate about like an entrepreneurial spirit, um, and I'm very motivated by those around me. So, when it came down to the company, as you know, like the overall aspect or the idea of the company, it was like how am I going to, you know, market myself as a barber And also like appeal to everybody? So, um, in Pittsburgh there's a really really, really big, almost flooded scene of like underground music. Um, if you're, you know, if you're like a metalhead, you've listened to code orange. Um, they're from Pittsburgh. Uh, anti flag, like pretty much like there's a lot of Underground heavy beat down. You know hardcore music that comes out of Pittsburgh And I figured, you know, why not try to like model the idea around that? So, after a little bit of like, you know, research and all that kind of stuff, um, the eye like the, the whole um idea of trying to create products came into play. How am I going to appeal to, you know, people in the scene? How am I going to appeal to people who aren't in the scene, i mean barbers, you know, business owners, entrepreneurs. How am I going to appeal to them? Um, i did a lot of research, a lot of testing And I figured. You know, what could I possibly name this thing? What could I, like you know, do to set it apart from the rest? Because I don't want this to just be a beer oil company, i don't want this to just be a barber company. I want this to be a, a Brand, an image. Not just people from Pittsburgh are gonna want it, but people from Texas, california, canada, the UK. Those people, what are they gonna? You know how are they gonna think when they like, see my brand, you know my image. So I named it, beat down clipperco and um. It Seemed like a fairly um, unique name, not really giving you an idea of what it is, um, because when you think a clipper you think of tools, but more or less it's a brand and a community. And you know A lot of the people that I work with Um Are pretty much in on the um, on the brand itself. They like to, you know, give me ideas and I like to collaborate. So it's, it's, i'd say, 50% a business, 50% like a collective of people putting their minds together. You know what I mean and that's kind of what it is.

Speaker 2:

Dude. Uh, one thing I love about it is you kind of take a little bit of Pittsburgh and like throw it in there Because, like Pittsburgh would like, whenever it comes to their sports or the city as a whole, has always been known as like a tough city. You know sports teams are rough and tough. You know sealers, penguins Parts a little bit but they've been doing good. Bro, they're killing it this year but, um, like, like Pittsburgh has always been like known as like a tough city. You know, between the steel mills, bands coming out of there, sports teams so on, so forth. So I call it beat down. I feel like really embodies like a lot of what Pittsburgh is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because if you think about it like the main driving force of Pittsburgh way back, way back, when was The? the steel that was coming out of it? you know what I mean. And Heavy metal, you know what I mean like through and through, people don't realize how much of an impact the city of Pittsburgh has on a lot of the country. You know what I mean. Well, dude, believe it, or?

Speaker 2:

not? Did you know that Pittsburgh is about to be taken out of being, like, the number one steel producer in the us? So really, yeah, uh, arkansas, it's about to take over that.

Speaker 1:

I, i, really, i really don't like. Um See why that like wouldn't be a thing you know? I mean because, like we've been out of that realm for so long, we, we still produce steel, but like For that Pittsburgh area there's three steel mills still. Yeah, i mean in the out, in the outer cities like us steel.

Speaker 2:

Like you got Travisburg, you got the Clariton plant and the Edison plant, all in the outer areas of Pittsburgh, which is still considered like Pittsburgh.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like I, i understand why it's not anymore. I mean, like back then, like when a city was producing something to the utmost like capacity, that was the city for it. We're still gonna be the city of bridges, you know what I mean. We're still gonna be the city of No, six rings Was that? yeah, six rings on Super Bowl. You know, we're still gonna be. You know Where Roberto Clemente played Sydney Crosby, malkin, you know, i mean, that's what, that's what we are. So I think, i think we kind of like paid our dues. We don't really need to be the Steel manufacturers of the of the world anymore, um, but, well, honestly, steel manufacturer of the word world's china right now.

Speaker 2:

China, india, korea, japan, they're all producing more steel than what's being produced in the us, i mean, if it's cheaper.

Speaker 1:

Sorry man, i used to work in the steel industry, so Yeah, i mean I used to work for a company that transported like Ducal iron and all that kind of stuff and those pipes came from like us steel, so mainly they came from this place called McWayne ductile out in kashokton Ohio. Um, i've never in my life seen something that intense before, like Dude, like they had stoplights and like traffic signals and all that kind of stuff for forklifts, with these gigantic towers of ductile iron pipe, and all of that pipe was going into sewer like, like sewage facilities. You know what I mean. If that's that brings me back to the entrepreneurial side. You can create a product so niche that everybody needs it. Everybody needs sewage pipe. You know what I mean. Like a grit line fresh water. You know what I mean? Gray water, those pipes they all come from like one or two places And they're very like, if you think about it, very cheap to produce It's concrete line pipe. You get. You get it for, like I don't know, four or five hundred dollars a foot. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, that's like a lot of the spiral weld pipe that's made for, like oil, the oil industry. A lot of it's made down south Arkansas, alabama, louisiana, and watching that happen is wild, because they take, like you know, three quarter inch thick metal like half inch thick, three quarter inch thick metal. You know. So it's you know thick shit And then they just run it through a machine that spirals it into a pipe and it welds as it spirals. Yeah, there's a machine that goes around and welds it as it spiraling Dude, it's so wild seeing. And then like, even like, whenever they make their smaller pipe, that's like this you're taking that thick of metal with as much tensile strength, as as much tensile strength as that shit has. Yeah, like, i've cut a band on that type of stuff before. And, dude, that stuff just ends up just going to smack the ground. Mm, hmm, yeah, like it's just ready, like all its pent up energy, is just ready to fucking blow Mm hmm.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah It, it's just crazy.

Speaker 2:

We're good. Okay, i thought my wife messaged me. That's how my friend blew up real quick And I'm like, uh, but, dude, i love your products, do you? The smell of them is amazing. I mean, granted, the one, the one I smelled I'm not a huge woodsy person I'm aware of like a sweet bourbon-y type, like those are the scents I like, like, like tea tree oil scent, you know, like the minty scents, Like the like the astringent smells.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean, i get that. I mean everybody's different.

Speaker 2:

Bro, literally just something about like woodsy scents are just like make like They almost make me sick. Like like, literally like like my wife loves lavender. Lavender gives me the biggest fucking headache ever.

Speaker 1:

And it's weird because lavender essential oil is to eliminate headaches. Like it's weird.

Speaker 2:

Bro, the smell of lavender gives me such a headache. I don't like it either.

Speaker 1:

I think it's. It's a very like, odd and like acquired smell And I hate it, like I hate using it.

Speaker 2:

You know, i mean same, same, but with your oils. And you also have balms as well, right, yeah, yeah, we have beard butter. Beard butter, yes, beard butter, my bad.

Speaker 1:

No, you're good, You're good. Um, that is actually our best seller. The beard butter is. The beard butter is, and I believe it's probably because it's a better value for what you get. Um, and people say that it really helps with their beard, um, with like the uh, like the softening and the straightening And it like makes it feel healthy. I personally have a little bit more of a bias towards the beard oil because I feel like there's more you can do with it, because not only like is beard oil like good for your beard, but like the ingredients in it are good for every part of your body. Um, you can use it on the hair, on your scalp, um, you can use that oil on, you know, your leg. You can use this like a pre-shaving oil. You know what I mean, because it's also natural. But the people like the beard, uh, beard butter Because, um, it goes on a little bit smoother, it's a little bit more easy to apply. They come in jars opposed to like the uh, like dropper dropper bottles. Um, and the scents and them, they have to be a little bit more concentrated because there's a lot more ingredient that goes into it. By a lot more, not meaning like the list goes on. But like the amount, um, so people kind of like it for like a, like an additional smell, like more of like a cologne, almost, um. But yeah, like the great thing about the products though I don't know if I told you this, but you can name each ingredient, like it's not hard to pronounce them and you can count them on one hand.

Speaker 2:

Well, you told me that they're that like your product is 100% vegan, 100% natural Uh-huh, Uh-huh And 100% handmade.

Speaker 1:

Yes, every single, uh, every single bottle and jar of beard butter, even the shirt that you're wearing and I'm wearing right now, is handmade. Not, we didn't weave each part of the fabric on a textile machine, but, yeah, we hand printed them, hand designed. Everything, um, everything is um. We're not certified vegan and organic, but the ingredients that we do use are certified vegan and organic, and we're currently I'm currently in the stage of trying to get that certified. What do you have to do to get that certification? I think you have to go to, like, the department of agriculture.

Speaker 2:

And pretty much show like you're not testing on animals and show like that, right?

Speaker 1:

Yes, um, we like. I like to say like, uh, we don't test on animals, we just test on, you know, buddies, friends, people, people, people, people. We don't like because, uh, and I mean I'm totally fine with getting a little bit of like a skit, a little bit of like a rash, cause like I used the stupid ingredient. You know what I mean? Um, but yeah, when I make, when I make this stuff, i'm sitting down for hours at a time weighing everything out. I got like a little, um, a whole like system and it's like there's like hot plates with like the stirrers and like the beakers and stuff like that. And it looks like I'm mad, like I'm a mad scientist, but, uh, every ingredient that you put on your skin and in your hair is like so good for you. You know, um, i'm trying to put the addition of vitamin E oil into it because that's good for your skin too, but, um, i just haven't yet. I feel like it's a good. You know, if it's not broken, don't fix it. So, uh, for the beard, but the beard oil, um, we use jojoba oil, argan oil, fractionated coconut oil, aloe vera gel and fragrance can get any more natural than that And I source everything from you know, reputable uh sellers. You know what I mean. Um, i don't buy my stuff off Amazon, i don't buy it online. I go out and I search for the best product. I look at the ingredients. If it, if the ingredient is not what's on the front label, if it's like argan oil and I look on the back and it doesn't say argan oil, i'm not buying it. You know what I mean. And then for the butter, um, yeah, the butter. We take out the aloe vera and we just use a lot of shea butter, which is great If you get fair, fair trade shea butter. Um, it supports, um, the company that I buy from supports, like, the region that it comes from, which is in Africa. It supports the, you know, i guess, the economy down there. So I try to be as inclusive and, you know, um, helpful as I can. You know, if they're helping me, i'm helping them.

Speaker 2:

So how long did it take for you to like find the uh system that worked for you, uh about over a year.

Speaker 1:

Um, it took me countless and I'm talking like hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of shit to actually figure out the proper amounts to yield a good product. Like, I still have all the test bottles in the house and it's just a giant bin full of just like you could use it. but it's not my standard, You know now, what all cents do you have?

Speaker 2:

Like, like, are your beard butters and oils? like, are they like a paired thing? Like whatever scent you have in beard oil, you have a beard beard butter as well. Yeah, um, through the rebrand.

Speaker 1:

I'm renaming some of the cents, some of the. I'm actually adding some more in a scent to look for now It's called fools gold, which is like more of like a citrusy uh, it's more like a citrusy burst flavor, if not flavor scent. You can't eat it if you want, like it ain't going to hurt you, but I would recommend you don't. Um, so fools gold is is one of them. Um, triple black is like the flagship scent. That's like the scent that um, everybody has a like a lot. Um, now, what? what is that sent?

Speaker 2:

to triple black. So that's a.

Speaker 1:

Aromatic, dark and bold uh scent. So you're getting a lot of notes of uh, sweet, orange, vanilla, leather tobacco, uh smoke. You know what I mean. Everybody loves that scent. Um, all my sense. and in uh ingredients like the, the blends 100% proprietary um, and that's just to protect me as a sole proprietor is a business, so I'm going to go with the uh, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the. The most generous intellectual property is a big thing. I don't care if you recreate it, but you're not replicating it, yeah, and I mean um, so, yeah, that that's pretty much like the, the biggest seller right there how are we at liberty to talk about another scent that you've been working on? Yeah, the original three scents that I had. One was triple black, that was the aromatic, bold, sweet, smoky. One was called Palm Spike, which was a scent that has a very, very, very strong tropical sweet smell to it, perfect for like this time of year. Honestly, a little bit more unisex. But everybody I've had them try so they liked it. They didn't love it. So I'm trying to fix that up a little bit. And then I have one called Woodsman, which is what he, you know, pine. I got this fragrance oil. It's called like, like like fresh rain or something like that Smells. Just like the smells, just like you like go outside in the summer after it rains out, like Petra core smell. Oh, and Just like a few other like little additives here and there. That one didn't go too well. People didn't like that one. They said it smelled like Like they'd, you know, walked in like a damp forest, which is a cool concept. But when you put it on your face you're like man. I smell like shit. You know I can smell like I need to take a bath.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dude, i am excited for the little collab you and I are working on. Yeah, me too That one, i am stoked for that. Yeah, For everyone who doesn't know, I've told a few people about it. but where you are working on a collab together, on doing a Wilson Ting and beat down Clipper Co oil and beard butter And I want to tell them what's that? we figured like like, like what we talked about.

Speaker 1:

So we were going to do a bourbon, vanilla citrusy type of like shebang. I don't even know how to put it into words, but it's. It's going to have like a really really really incredible. Amazing sweet, smoky bourbon smell to it, with just a little hint of vanilla citrus still working on the other little little bits and pieces. A big part of that is trying to figure out what essential oils and fragrance oils you can put on your skin that aren't going to hurt you. Yeah, a big part of that, like pure vanilla extract.

Speaker 2:

Not good for the skin.

Speaker 1:

No, that'll burn you Like, it'll give you a nice chemical burn. It'll, it'll, it'll do some nasty stuff to you. So you have to really, really, really be careful with it.

Speaker 2:

Well, i know like whenever we were talking about the scent to begin with, we were talking about doing like all this like a smoked, old fashioned like as close to a smoked old fashioned as we could get. Yeah And dude, i'm stoked about it. I'm stoked that, like you know, i mean, as you know, if anyone put two and two together, they already figured we're old, we're army buddies as well.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But like it's dope, seeing you know you have your business, me have my business, and like us being able to figure out a way to bring both of them together, for like to show support to each other.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, you keep it in the family. That's what you do All the like with any business. You keep it. You keep it with the people you know.

Speaker 2:

Do I mean? and I've also been waiting to announce this until you came on the show. Oh yeah, but I'm him and I is also working on a little discount code for the Wilson King podcast on his website once it gets up and rolling again with the rebrand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, that's going to be awesome. So the I'll give the parameters right now from the release date, for a whole month It'll be 15% off the entire bundle, where you can get 10% off either one. Yeah, so if you want to buy just the oil, just the butter, 10% off, the bundle 15% off, that's a really big saving And you know it helps us. More importantly, it helps my buddy over here. You know, wonderful host, great hospitality. So yeah, i'm really excited for it, dude.

Speaker 2:

I just love watching people who've known each other for years, who's finally like figured out like what they want to do in their life, and then watching people work together. I mean it's also dope that, it's also me that's doing it, but it's awesome to see, like you know, even if, say, someone else in our unit had another business and you all were trying to work together, like I would be 100% supportive of that as well. Yeah, because I mean, being a small business owner is really tough in today's world. Oh my God, dude, you have no idea, with all the competition from the big box stores, like it's so tough trying to like do your own thing.

Speaker 1:

To create a competitive product that people will buy and that will appeal is so hard. Because when you're not in a Target or a Walmart or anything like that, people won't give you the time of day. So you really have to go out there and pull teeth. You give like a little bit of like a you know a sample to like a barber shop And then we'll get back to you. You got to fucking annoy them To get something back out of you And that's not just, you know, being an idiot, that's just business You have to.

Speaker 2:

Well, have you ever thought about If you had the opportunity to get into a big box store? would you want to, or would you want to keep it like small, like find it at your local barber shop, hang shop with us online, or would you eventually like to see your product in the bigger box stores?

Speaker 1:

I would like to, but that's not going to change the values. Yeah, you know what I mean. If I'm still, if I'm making Two million dollars A year from it, i'm still giving a portion of that to the charities that I support and the communities that I support, nothing's, nothing's changing, except how much they get back. You know what I mean? Yeah, cause they're the ones who brought it up. You know what I mean. And the collaborators?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Dude, i always say that like there is a big box stores do so else because it's convenient. But I've like I'm starting to notice more and more in like adult life that online shopping is way more convenient than going to a big box store.

Speaker 1:

Yes and no. In my opinion, I would much rather make a drive and go to a store and grab something than order it online and wait because I don't know what it is with me. I think UPS, USPS, FedEx and every other shipping service knows my name and just says fuck him. But every time I order something online it is like it is a nightmare. It doesn't show up on time, It's missing, It's late, They got a Reese, They got a you know. Refund me my product. Like it's annoying. I got I.

Speaker 2:

Dude. So I bought a bat from a ax bat, first little pitch, softball because I decided to take back up that extra curricular activity now that I'm home more. And uh, it told me it was going to be here on a Friday, which was perfect, right, like you know. It was going to be here in time enough for me to play my, for a game with it, so on and so forth. You know what I mean? Well, i'm looking at the track and I'm like how is it going to get here on Friday if it just left Illinois at midnight last night, like there's no way that it's going to get here, right, yeah, and the thing kept saying all day delivered by Friday evening, delivered by Friday evening. I'm like I'm not stupid, right? And then it was like be there by Monday, and I'm like you sons of bitches. But I mean also like me ordering that bat. I ordered it on a whim. It wasn't like Hey, I absolutely need it. I ordered it because I'm like Hey, i would not mind having a new bat. You know what I mean. Yeah, yeah, like.

Speaker 1:

I have the same issue with like ordering, like music equipment. Specifically, i had a show and I needed some new stuff. I needed strings. I needed picks, because, if any guitarist knows, they're like 10 millimeter sockets. As soon as you like get them, you lose them. You know what I mean. They're like you cannot keep control of your picks, they go. So I got like a 72 count of picks, four packs of strings I got. I had to get new earplugs because my old ones they, were bad. They're like high fidelity earplugs So like they don't filter out, like they filter out noise but they don't like deafen you, um, and then a pedal. I had to get a new tuner pedal because mine shit the bed. Sweetwater is the company and I'm going to get. I'm getting on her ass right now. So I ordered this stuff on Monday. My show was on Saturday. Sweetwater guarantees two day free shipping. I ordered it on Monday at like 10 in the morning. I was up early that day. I don't know why I ordered it. Thing was, it was confirmed like an hour after I ordered it. Perfect, got the shipping Tuesday. You'll get all the information. Tuesday. Wednesday came around obviously nothing. Thursday came around. Should have been here Friday. It was a Wednesday. It was a Wednesday Nothing. I was like what the fuck? Friday got a message Shipping's delayed. Why? Why was my shipping delayed? I ordered this Monday. I gave you all the time in the world. Saturday comes around. I don't have my gear. So now I'm playing my guitar on stage. I have to use a shitty little snark tuner on my headstock, which I hate using because, like I said, if any guitarist knows anything, you get on stage or you get to practice and you try to tune up, your drummer just starts beating the shit out of his drums and you can't hear a single thing and your tuner starts going crazy. So that day I have some pretty old strings. I don't have any earplugs, so my ears are ringing. I have a headache. Before I start trying to tune up, my drummer just starts doing a blast to beat and I'm like Jesus, fucking Christ, i'm going to lose my mind. So I messaged Sweetwater. I was like, hey, you guys are really pissing me off, because prior to that I ordered three straps, three new straps, because I like to fucking throw my shit around on stage. For whatever reason, i don't know why this happened, but my address got switched to the address that I was in Poland on that deployment. I called them a day after it happened. I said hey, i sent this to the wrong address. That address doesn't exist anymore because it's an Army Post office. They said, ok, we'll figure it out. Didn't get a call from them for about a week. Called them back, said hey, got an issue, i have another show. I don't have straps. Oh well, we're working on it. Yada, yada, yada, that's fine. Another week goes around. Still don't have the straps. Called them again. I was like so what's the deal? They said oh, they tried to intercept the package, but it's in Poland now and it's just sitting there. I was like what the fuck? I told you it's going there, stop it. You know what I mean. I granted it days a little bit too much, but at the same time I'm telling you like it's going somewhere and it's in USPS. Stop the package, get it somewhere. You can do that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not that hard.

Speaker 1:

And then I get a call back from the sound engineer. His name is Yousef. Shout out to Yousef. Yousef is the guy He's like. Yeah, so here's the problem. They're saying it's your fault and they're not going to refund you, nor are they going to ship you new stuff. So what I'm going to do is use the money out of my own pocket and give you a percentage off the straps so you're not paying full price, and I was a little pissed, but I'm like you know what? Like, you're a great guy, you help me out. I'm fine with that.

Speaker 2:

Is Yousef your guy on Sweetwater, your sales guy. Yeah, dude, listen. so that horror story from Sweetwater sucks, but I had never had an issue with Sweetwater, like Sweetwater's where this came from, sweetwater's where the mics came from, sweetwater's where my video board came from, and have never had an issue from them. Even you know, obviously, xlr cables have came from there and like literally maybe three days to get the stuff. Max, you know what I mean. But I've always known, like, whoever you go through, if you buy enough stuff from Sweetwater, like you get on a good basis with your salesperson at Sweetwater. My guy's name's Tony, Super dope. Literally as soon as I order something and he sees it's delivered, he gives it a couple days and he calls and he's like, hey, how do you like your gear? You got any questions about it? Like yada, yada, yada. Have you ever bought anything from any other company? that where people reach out to you to ask you how you like it. Or like, hey, would you like some help figuring out how to work it? Like I mean Grant's over the phone, Like I've never had that from another company.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Buying stuff from them.

Speaker 1:

That's what Sweetwater's biggest thing is.

Speaker 2:

I almost had the opportunity to walk their warehouse Really. So the company I used to work for is out of Angola, indiana, which is like 45 minutes north of Fort Wayne. Oh really, and like Tony and I had been chatting it up a little bit, he checked out the show, he really liked the show And one day we're on the phone he's like yo, like I know you said you work in Angola. Next time you're out here, let me know It's a Saturday. I'll bring you down here and like walk you through the Sweetwater offices and stuff. That's awesome, but I never got the chance to do it. Fall is one of the good down there. Make the trip, dude, sweetwater customer service wise, especially if you're working with your, because I've never had to like go through their actual customer service. All my stuff's been dealing like with my sales guy. It's top notch. Now their actual customer service, from what you just told me, sounds like it's kind of crappy, but like working with your sales guys always great, like they treat you great, but that's also because their clients make them some money.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i mean I do give Sweetwater a lot of money. When I was in Poland I bought a EVH 5150 head and cabinet. That's a lot of goddamn money right there. Evh Amps, are you like you're not cheaping out? if you buy an EVH Like there's the iconic series I've had that, it's OK. But like the EVH 5150 three with like the 6L, 6 tubes I don't know if I'm speaking Chinese.

Speaker 2:

Most people that listen to this are pretty involved in the music. OK, good.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So like those things are expensive You know what I mean And like I've been with Sweetwater since I was in like 10th grade of high school Just like buying like little shit, like just like strings for my acoustic picks. You know I mainly ordered stuff from Sweetwater because I just loved how I got like a little bag of candy.

Speaker 2:

Amen dude, That's a pleasant little surprise.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when you get there, when you get their credit card and you make a big purchase, you don't get a bag, you get a jar. You get a jar of all the good shit. So when I bought my, i bought my Kemper profiler, while my Sweetwater card I got like the. I didn't cheap out And I got the 600 watt one with like the foot pedal or the floor controller and in the they came in like two, two boxes, and the little box had like a jar candy in it. It was the fucking sweetest thing in the world. It's like you know what Like a jar of candy is really taking away the pain of this debt right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, belchin, fit over here. My bad, i'm burping all day, but I mean, listen, dude, i had to put a beer in my system, i needed to go hair hair of the dog Last night got a little rough, so had a little Memorial Day shending. I wish I was here, man Buddy, i told you to come.

Speaker 1:

I know, I know, I just got three cats man.

Speaker 2:

I've got five.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but you're here.

Speaker 2:

Dude, listen, cats are self sufficient. Yeah, they are, it's just my one cat.

Speaker 1:

He's a fat ass and he does not stop eating. He eats everything and, like every time you walk by the little food cabinet, he starts screaming his head off like he wants food. bad, have you thought?

Speaker 2:

about ever thought about getting. I know, like my wife and I has talked about it, but the food bowls that have a timer.

Speaker 1:

I don't have one of those, but I have an auto feeder, like a gravity feeder. Yeah, just to keep dry food Within their reach at all times, so like if an event were to happen that we don't have the ability to give them wet food, they can just eat dry food. But my cats can't stand wet food, really.

Speaker 2:

We've tried to give it to them as like Hey, here's a treat for being good, good little kitties, and they just look at it like I'm good. Yeah, I don't know Blue blue, my fucking mind too. I don't know Blue blue, my fucking mind too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because I well, i started off with one cat and that cat didn't like wet food to begin with. But over, over time, like he let, he started to like it and I starts to love it. And every time I like hold the can out in front of him, he gets up on his back legs and starts like swatting at me, to like give it to him, but he doesn't eat treats. The other two, like soon as like they came out of the, came out of the womb, they were eating wet food.

Speaker 2:

So I've been thinking about getting one of those feeders for our cats, like where you put it on a timer, because we only feed them twice a day. We feed them once in the morning before going to work, but we fill up both bowls and then feed them once before going to bed, filling up both bowls again.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's what we do.

Speaker 2:

And I've thought about getting two of the auto feeders, because whenever I'm leaving for work nine times out of 10, i wake up a little bit too late or something, or missing alarm and like I'm just rushing out of the house, i don't even think about feeding them, i don't even think about feeding myself at that time. You know what I mean? Yeah, so I was like man, how nice would it be to like get like the automatic feeders. But then at the same time I've also been looking at getting like one of those litter robots. Oh yeah, but but one of our cats gets claustrophobic. So like, yes, to have an uncovered litter box, oh, and then our other cats are skittish. So we feel like the first time it starts running it's going to scare the fuck out of them And I'm like I'm not going to spend six hundred dollars on the fucking litter box if the cats ain't going to fucking use it.

Speaker 1:

I might honestly get into doing that too, because we have three litter boxes for three cats. You know what I mean. So, like you feel like that's plenty, we fill it up. Good, you know, i mean we give it a little bit more than what they should have. And they, you know, they, they, they, they, they shouldn't piss in it. So it's fine. But the thing is, whatever we clean out the litter boxes, within hours it's full again And it makes the house wreak. It doesn't matter what we use. We could use the most top of the line litter that has, like the scent trapping formula. Shit Doesn't matter, it will still wreak up the goddamn house And it blows my mind like.

Speaker 2:

Are your cats fixed?

Speaker 1:

One is the two of them. They're getting fixed on the first because they're, they're, they're kitties.

Speaker 2:

Are they all males?

Speaker 1:

Two males, one female.

Speaker 2:

Is the female unfixed one or is she fixed?

Speaker 1:

No, the there's the, there's a male and a female that isn't fixed, and then there's a male that is fixed and he's like the OG.

Speaker 2:

OK. So believe it or not, before you fix them, like before you get their nuts shopped off, the male urine has way more ammonia in it than what a fixed male does. Oh, yeah, and that's where a lot of the scent comes from. Because we have five cats. All of them are fixed but one the one that's not fixed, or outside cat. He comes in every like. He comes in like once, twice a day to eat and then he wants to go right back outside. You know what I mean. But whenever it was really cold out, we were making him stay inside. He didn't like it too much. But, dude, it's fucking 15 degrees outside. When chill, it's like negative something. Yeah, you're staying inside, I don't give a fuck, you know. But he would start using the litter box and it got terrible. Like you know, we, we, we clean our litter boxes every other day Because we have like four litter boxes. So we clean every other day, you know one for each cat And You know didn't get real bad, but we let him in here. We'd have to clean it like twice a day To keep the scent down just because of the ammonia in his urine was just disgusting. We also invested in ozone machine that cuts down on the smell too And you put it right by over the litter boxes are and plug it in and it filters this air.

Speaker 1:

That's some food for thought.

Speaker 2:

I think we got on Amazon for like 60 bucks.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm definitely going to have to get into something like that, because whenever we get done recording, I'll show it to you. OK, cool. Yeah, those, those cats definitely need fixed because they're just nuts, they're like, they're crazy. My, my OG kitty, his name's Freddy. He may I don't, i don't know. Like I never thought a cat could bring me so much joy. But he's like the best cat I've ever I've ever came across. Like you go up to him, he'll come up like. He'll greet you like a dog. He'll meow at you to get it like, get you to like pet him, pick him up, swat him like a baby. He loves it, he Chills. He doesn't scratch, he doesn't bite, you know, i mean he loves getting his belly scratched, which is really weird because cats hate that. He loves water. So like whenever we, whenever he like jumps in the trash can and gets covered in like old pasta sauce and chicken remnants. Like he loves bath time. It's very clean cat, doesn't shed, doesn't shed a single hair. It's crazy Kind of fucking cat is he?

Speaker 2:

I think it's like it's definitely a mutt cat.

Speaker 1:

Like it's a gray cat. When I first got him he looked just like a Russian blue, but obviously, as he like, got bigger. Like he has no Russian blue traits, like he looks like He.

Speaker 2:

I don't know what he is, because I need to find a cat that doesn't shed.

Speaker 1:

Oh, did you walk in my house like you don't. Like the only time you smell cat is when they're litter boxes or like it looks like a war zone in there, but like the house doesn't smell like cats. If you play with the cat you're not going to get hair on them. You get hair on you. Did our cats shed like crazy? All of them? Yeah, like I don't, i don't know. Like we don't even brush him. His hair is just like as far as just naturally smooth and like easy to like, easy to work with.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, whenever we get done recording, i have to let you meet my kiddies too. I definitely would like to meet your kiddies. We, we got a fat one named Charlie, then we the second oldest. His name is Loki, because he's another gray cat and we're like dark Loki, you know what I mean. And then his brother's name, which he's like an orange cat. He's not a tabby, but he's like orange and looks like a tiger, but we named him Thor because you know Loki and Thor, yeah. And then our other cat's name is Biggie, short for Bigfoot, because he's a polydactyl, so he has thumbs.

Speaker 1:

Bro, I've always wanted to meet a cat that has thumbs.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And then our outside cat we. it's another like blonde orange cat. We named him Porch Kitty. Porch Kitty, yeah, pk for short.

Speaker 1:

PK Like PK Subban.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i like that. He's the sweet We OK. So all of our other cats like to scratch and piss me off because, like we buy them scratch and post and they don't fucking scratch the post, they want to scratch the furniture. You know what I mean, mm. Hmm, but the outside cat we had no idea he had claws. Really We had no idea he had claws until we watched him climb on a tree one day, like if he plays with you, even if he's getting a little rough, claws don't really don't come out. If he does like get a little rough with playing, like if he bites you, it's like a love nip.

Speaker 1:

Mm, hmm.

Speaker 2:

It's not like a Play like try, like like. It's just like a little like Yeah, they will snap, yeah, a little like. But dude, sweetest cat ever Like we'll, litter loves his belly rubbed, super talkative cat, sweetheart. All of our cats are sweethearts except for one. He's kind of a dick, but he's also is the one thumbs. Yes, damn.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, man, i guess like I get like an extra, they get like an extra flangey and they think they're the hot shit or something.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, like he's a sweetheart, right, love's, loves getting pet, hates cuddling though, but like if you put your arms around him, like him, and cut you know just that type of But. Like he might sometimes come and cuddle with you, like lay down with you and stuff, but he's a dick to the other, like one of the other cats, because he's the smallest. Like that, the cat he's a dick to is the smallest of all of them and the sweetest, fair enough, like likes to rub up on your face, like you'll be patting him over your back.

Speaker 1:

Mm, hmm, yeah, my, my biggest cat, he, he does like he's not a dick, but the other two cats, they'll come up to him when he's like sit, because we bought these like windowsill things for them to just sit on because they love the windows, and his tail will be like flapping and one of them will come up and bite his tail. Well, that's a sign for my cat to start going like it's go mode, so we'll get down and start roughing them up. Well, they'll start crying And it's like I don't know what you expected. He got like 10 pounds on you. You poke the bear, exactly. But this is a good story about my cat, so I don't really ever like I guess, like with cats, you don't really have to worry about them running away necessarily Like they'll scurry off, but they won't really really run away. Well, my cat, i guess we gave him such a good home life that he protects the yard like a dog. And one day I was taking a shower before I packed up and went to school and I opened up the window because it was foggy in there. I needed to do my hair and shape up my beard and all that kind of stuff. So if the window open. The window doesn't have a screen. Cat managed to get his way into the bathroom when I wasn't in there, hopped out the window. I didn't know this. I go around the house getting my shit together, go back in the bathroom and I'm like, oh fuck, the window is open. So I run around the house Freddie, freddie, where the fuck is this cat? Some of my lines like, well, he's outside somewhere. So I look out the window. The cat is laying on his back, spread eagle, like that Sunbathing middle of the yard. It was belly exposed. I looked out and I was like, what are you doing? And he meowed and I was like, get the fuck in here. And he ran, he jumped through the window and sat down and was perring and he wanted me to pet him. I was like you're a weird cat man, you're strange. I don't understand you, but I love you. You're the best little thing that ever came into my life.

Speaker 2:

Do your cats ever like if you're showering, like want to be there while you're showering and like get freaked out while you're in the shower. Yeah, like, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The girl cat wants to watch, but she won't go in. The other boy cat will try to go in. Freddie will always try to go in.

Speaker 2:

So, all of our cats well, one of them, thor, thor whenever you're in the shower, right, he will sit there and guard it And sometimes he'll freak out because, like in his mind, what are bet, what are means of danger? You know what I mean. So he'll be freaking out like thinking we're in trouble. But there's actually a little bit of science behind. Like, you know how your cats follow you to the bathroom and if you're going to go take a shit and stuff, so they're coming to protect you, because that's whenever you're most vulnerable And that's like a wild trait of theirs. Like, if one of them is using the bathroom, the other one stand and watch.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, sort of like pulling security. Yeah, like how we do.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like so, like it's actually like a, a like old trait that's just in them. Like if someone's like in their, in a vulnerable spot, like taking a shower or on the shitter, they're guarding you, essentially like to make sure nothing comes and tries to fuck you up.

Speaker 1:

That's actually good to know. Now I don't have to kick them out because, Hey, you never know what could happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm well, i mean, and I mean obviously the fuck they going to do unless, like, like you know, especially like our cats are friendly, they just come up to anybody You know what I mean. Dude comes in and someone tries to come in here and rough us up, cats ain't going to fucking do nothing. Yeah, they're going to go and be like oh, pet me, pet me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Those were my cats would do like if somebody broke into the house. Freddie would just sit there and scream his head off until somebody touches him.

Speaker 2:

Now Segwaying away from the kitties for a little bit. Okay, i want to talk about your music. Fair enough, like I have heard nothing but like, ban this, ban that from you for like the last few months.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is there any news you got with your music or?

Speaker 1:

so Well, band one named shit Dix we're we're just like a punk, heavy hardcore band. We just play little shows here and there. But right now I'm in the works with another guy who's a bassist. He wants to start something up. I've had a band in the works for a while now. I think I'm just going to kind of transfer that over to the band that I'm trying to work, start up with him, just be more or less like a, i guess like along the lines of like after the burial getting in those kind of bands, because I mean this is like the heaviest. You know I'm going to be doing vocals on that band. It's still a guitar, so that I'm that I'm pumped for because I've been trying to do vocals and shit Dix a little bit. But we have a vocalist already who plays a guitar as well And I'm kind of like secondary guitar. We don't really like to say that like we have a lead and a rhythm. We just kind of like say that we both do the same thing because our songs and I'm lead, there's songs that he's lead The last song that I have with shit Dix we wrote, i put the guitar down and I did vocals on it. Just fun man. Doing vocals is fun. If you know how to do it, man, you can really have a good time. Get people involved.

Speaker 2:

Be careful with the vocals, bro.

Speaker 1:

I learned that the hard way man There was there was not too. There's a time, not too long ago, i tried to do vocals and when you do them, like in the spur of the moment, you don't really like prepare yourself because there's like your vocal cords are a muscle, just like your Delta, which hamstrings triceps etc. So you got to prepare them and you got to warm them up. If you don't warm them up, you're going to really have a hard time. And what I did this one time was I tried to start screaming like Matt Honeycutt from Kublai Kahn. That's a very hard vocal range to cover, because this dude's not screaming, he's like aggressively yelling. So you try to put that bass in your voice. Well, i did that for like three songs. After that I had the most sore throat I've ever had in my life, worse than when I had COVID, and like I could not speak lower than like, like, like this, like if I spoke any higher than this my voice would crack. I couldn't laugh because no sound would come out. And it was like that for like two weeks. It's not a joke Like you ever heard about. Like Corey Taylor when he recorded Iowa, it was like the roughest part of the band's time. Yeah, like he fucked himself up forever with that album because he didn't give a shit And that's what happens. So, like, if there's any aspiring vocalists out there, do what you have to do. So when you actually start using your muscles, they are you know they're safe and they're not going to get damaged. Because you damage them once, you're probably going to damage them forever because I still have voice cracks and stuff with them.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, look at Ollie Sykes. There's a reason bring me the rise and had to change our sound. Ollie isn't. Ollie's vocal chords got shredded. Matt Shadows vocal chords got shredded. That's why I've been sevenfold. Does the music they do now? And that's the reason it took a long time for us to hear old bullets from my Valentine to come back.

Speaker 1:

Which I love their new shit.

Speaker 2:

Yes, dude, it reminds me of The poison album, like that old, like like that album that made us all fall in love with bullet. You know what I mean, and, but like I mean, you know you, you heard spurts of it in their albums following that, but like it wasn't the same, like you could tell the vocals weren't there anymore. Yeah, they weren't as heavy. Yeah, like I mean like whenever you're bullet for my Valentine or any other band that you know, you can't really hit the same vocal range that you used to because you fucked up your vocal chords. How are you going to sit here and keep coming out with heavy music But it's not heavy, yeah, vocals. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's like that's like the shitty part of it. But like when you have a band like Bullet for my Valentine, like Matt Tuck is an incredibly talented musician And the fact that he could do what he does while playing guitar still Like that's like. That's Joe Duplontier from Gojira. You know what I mean. Ok, yeah, you realize that one Listen, you can hit them all you want. That's that's my, that's my OG Band, but I don't hate them. I know you don't.

Speaker 2:

You hate? No, no, no, no, i'm not a fan of their music. Ok, i respect what they've done in the music scene. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, But like when, when Matt Tuck's vocals went out, his guitar came back in. You know what I mean. And now that you know, the last album, what is it called?

Speaker 2:

It's called Bullet for my Valentine.

Speaker 1:

Is it? I think it's self titled.

Speaker 2:

Let me see. So you're making me Google this now. I'm looking it up right now, me too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bullet for my Valentine is self titled. That album is so goddamn good. Like the song Shatter If you heard that one off the album. Like They, they, they went back to their like original, like roots. You know what I mean. Like, because when you listen to like songs like Um, hearts burst into fire and you're a betrayal. The riffs in them they're very simple, but it's like the fills and like the little, like things they do aside from like their main chorus year. Like verse riffs. They really set them apart. That's exactly what the new album is like. Yeah, but Why don't you like Gojira?

Speaker 2:

Like. I just don't like the music man.

Speaker 1:

You don't like progressive.

Speaker 2:

I am a metal core, easy core at heart, person And death core.

Speaker 1:

I mean, that's fair to each their own. I just personally resonate on a level with Gojira because, like When, when they came out with a song stranded, i heard the song come on, like on my like Apple music. Like back then, like in 2016, on my way home from hockey practice What the fuck is this? This is weird. But I like still listen to him a little bit. I'm like, okay, they're heavy. So, like 2020 came around, or 2021, whenever the fuck it was And they released Born for One Thing, which is off their newest album, fortitude, i had my Alexa as my alarm clock and it would wake me up to metal every morning. Well, the song came on and woke me up. My eyes snapped open. I'm like, what the fuck is this? So, like I'm just like getting ready for work because, like, if I turn the music off, my ass will go back to sleep. I'm getting trouble. So I'm listening to it and I'm just like vibing with it, like who the fuck is this? This is so good. I looked at it. It's Gojira. I was like wait, i, when I admit, when I first put the image of Gojira into my head, i thought it was just like a fucking like. Like people like dressed up, wearing goofy shit, you know what I mean. Like it was like some sort of like well, i'm not sure Like like, sort of like spin off a mushroom head, you know what I mean? Fucking started looking into their discography and I fell in love like that. I started from fucking What was their first album. Call me a Gojira fan. I can't remember the name of their first album, but from the first album to the link to from Marcia Sirius, the way of all flesh, all the way up I listened to every fucking song and I loved it. I could not skip a song Dude.

Speaker 2:

I just can't do it Like whenever it comes down to it. dude, like most of my playlists, is like the Amity Affliction.

Speaker 1:

They're new. Their newest album is so fucking good.

Speaker 2:

So, first time listening through it, i'm like, okay, this album is kind of a let down first time listening through it, because how are you going to come out with? you know, drop the songs. I See Dead People, show Me Your God, and like the three singles that they dropped off of that song, show Me Your God, i See Dead People and like Nowhere Without My Ghosts, nowhere Without My Ghosts was a little bit lighter, but I See Dead People and Show Me Your God was off the fucking charts, right, oh, that's so good. But then, like listening through the whole album, it was like a 50-50 album, right. 50% of the songs are, in your fucking face, metal, and 50% of the songs are like the softer side of the amity affliction. It took me listening through the album three times for me to like appreciate what it is and actually love it. You know what I mean? Yeah, of course, but whenever I first listened to it, because I was expecting, like, bro, if I See Dead People and Show Me Your God or like any kind of like rendition of what this album is about to be, holy, fuck, yeah. And then I listened to it and I'm like damn.

Speaker 1:

I thoroughly liked it. I like the amity affliction. I love them.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait to see them this year.

Speaker 1:

When they come in Blue Ridge. That's right. The first time I saw them alive was actually a Warp Tour. I loved them. And what was that album? they?

Speaker 2:

came in, Bro. I didn't fall in love with the amity affliction until last year.

Speaker 1:

Really, i've always liked them.

Speaker 2:

I'm a very you have to give me a reason to listen to you type of person And I never listened. Gave the amity affliction a chance And then someone played Pittsburgh for me And I realized that I knew who amity affliction was and I fucking love that song. So then I went through of I found I started listening to them like September, october of last year Okay, they were my number one listened to band on Apple Music last year.

Speaker 1:

Really, yeah, yeah, that whole album with like Pittsburgh. Don't Lean on Me. that's the album title, fucking phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

Well, Don't Lean on Me is a song on there too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i don't. I'm not a fan of that song. It's just a little too like for me. Like I don't know, i'm very weird, but my favorite song off that album is I Bring the Weather With Me. I remember listening to it for the first time and I was like this is bringing out some crazy emotions right now. It's so sad, but it's also so heavy And I mean, ever since I listened to that I fucking followed them for like I've still listened to them.

Speaker 2:

My favorite amity affliction song is All Fucked Up.

Speaker 1:

It's a good song. I actually really like that song.

Speaker 2:

Dude, i'm a sad boy at heart, i ain't gonna fucking lie to you. And like dude, that song just hits me because, like you know, i mean the song's true, like everyone has is a little fucked up. Like you can put on a front all you want. Everyone has something going on in their mental. Some people are more forthcoming about it than others And some people you would think there's nothing wrong in their life and every single day they go home it's a struggle for them to make it to the next day. You know what I mean. And like I think that song just resonates more with me because I'm one of them people that you would never think anything's wrong with me. And then, like you know what I mean, Absolutely. But like, and that's literally what that song's about. Like, if you listen to the lyrics, it's about someone who sleeps the sadness away. If I wake up tomorrow, just know. I tried to find a way to leave without saying goodbye. Like them lyrics are literally about someone who masks what they're going through in their day to day life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i mean, they definitely have some really meaningful music. I forget what album it was. I don't forget. No, i know the album. I just don't know the name of the album, but it's the song. It's like the album they have, like IV, doomsday or Doomsday not Doomsday, yeah, song, doomsday IV, all that kind of shit, but anyway, my favorite song that they've ever made. You probably think, probably judge me a little bit for that. What's that album called? Misery misery Probably gonna judge me a little bit. My favorite song that they've ever made is feels like it feels like I'm dying. I love that song.

Speaker 2:

That song's a banger.

Speaker 1:

It is probably my favorite song they've ever made.

Speaker 2:

I'm a huge fan of drag the leg too.

Speaker 1:

That one's all right, i like it. I mainly listen to metal that has something else to it other than trying to be heavy.

Speaker 2:

Well, i mean, dude, look, even like let's go to the easy quarter side, right, like a date of our member, their homesick album. Every song on there has meaning in it One way or the other. You might not think it has meaning, but if you listen to the lyrics even though it just sounds like what's a good example, like Mr Highway, don't care. If you listen to the song, you would think, okay, there isn't really any meaning, cause that's one of the few songs that they pretty much screamed through, the whole song minus the chorus. But if you figure, look at the lyrics that they're singing in the verses, there's so much meaning in that song. Oh yeah, like a date where a member's known for doing that, and like all their music like second sucks.

Speaker 1:

Such a good song. All signs point to Latterdale. All said fucking unbeatable song.

Speaker 2:

Oh, dude, what's the other one?

Speaker 1:

If it means a lot to you.

Speaker 2:

If it means a lot to you, has so much meaning My fucking wife. okay, i need to tell you about this cause. like so our wedding I had no idea what music was getting played for, like her coming in, us leaving together, so on and so forth, right, so Deb comes down, the ceremony finishes And then next thing I hear is downfall of us all playing, and I'm like it took me a second to realize, like, hey, it's time for us to walk, cause I'm sitting there. I'm like what the fuck? Okay, right, and then to close out the reception, she had the DJ play. If it means a lot to you I thought it was the other song that makes me ball every time I hear it. But yeah, if it means a lot to you, it's crazy.

Speaker 1:

I mean, i support it. I think wedding music is stupid Dude have you heard the?

Speaker 2:

there's this dude on TikTok that goes and like, does like. Wedding versions on piano of like metal songs.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he did like the skies by motionless and white and all that shit. Like dude I would love to walk Like see like Haley walk down the aisle like fucking something crazy.

Speaker 2:

Like the heaviest metal song there is and just like having it being played on piano. So people think it's a sweet song, but in all reality you'd be like in the pit for it. Yeah, absolutely. Well, man, go ahead and say what you're gonna say.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say for my wedding, like we were thinking about getting a wedding band, not a DJ.

Speaker 2:

That's fair. Let's fuck that. What fuck the DJ?

Speaker 1:

I understand like it's not just like my thing, like there's other people there, but I'm not listening to fucking wobble like in fucking cupid shuffle with my wedding, like that's stupid Well if you get a DJ, you can like, depending on the DJ.

Speaker 2:

Like, our DJ gave us the option to pick all the songs played at our reception. Oh yeah, yeah, but our reception was a fucking rager, so we literally looked at him and said, hey, whatever the mood looks like, it needs, play it. You wanna play wobble, play wobble. You wanna play cupid shuffle, play cupid shuffle. I'm also a huge fan of doing the cupid shuffle and like the electric slide and shit. you know what I mean. You know, typical white man, you know. But you know, we just our DJ gave us the option to make a list of like, hey, what songs do you? one played And we literally was like you're the DJ, we're paying you Play whatever your little heart desires. Yeah, true. Well, the other great part about our wedding, right, is our DJ was actually one of our close friends, so like, and he does a lot of weddings, so he was able to be a part of our wedding like actually be a part of it. Mm-hmm, you know what I mean? Yeah, it's a good old brand name, right from Right Live. Shout out to Right Live, it's fucking awesome.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that really is awesome.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, Might send you. I'll send you his info and you can hit him up, Cause, like dude, he's super involved in the local metal scene here too. Oh is he? Yeah, he's in two bands. He's in a defending cane and breach the silence. Okay.

Speaker 1:

I thought you were gonna say he does like sound.

Speaker 2:

He does sound too, oh, does he? I also will send you his way so that, if you all ever want to venture this way for a show That's what I'm fucking talking about I got you dawg.

Speaker 1:

My man.

Speaker 2:

I got you, but let's go ahead and wrap this thing up. Tell people where they can find you at for beat down or band music stuff or whatever All right, yeah, so you can find me on Instagram.

Speaker 1:

It's at a JSN VTL. I got like just my name with no vowels in it, my company's name. Beat down clipperco on Instagram. Facebook. Beat down clipperco website wwwbeatdownclippercocom. You can find our man at shit. Dick's official Facebook, instagram, whatever. And stay tuned for whatever else I have cooking up, cause I can never stop fucking working on things.

Speaker 2:

Well, dude, thank you for coming. I had such killer time. That was so much fun. Yeah, man, thanks for having me. Definitely want to bring you back down again. Oh, absolutely Anytime. Maybe I can grab the old mobile rig and come to you one time. That would be sweet, dude. But if this is your first time listening to us, thank you for tuning in. If you all are returning, thank you for coming back. If this is your first time listening, you can find us on all socials at the Wilson King podcast, twitter, facebook, instagram, tiktok. We're not as active on Twitter as I would like to be, cause I completely forget that Twitter is even a social media platform sometimes. But hey, we all have our downfalls, right. But you can also find our website at the wilsonkingpodcastcom. All of our audio episodes are on there. All of our videos are on there. You can leave us a review if you enjoyed it. You can leave us a review if you think this is a shit, fucking podcast and you don't think we should do it anymore. But we also have a merch store on there. We got t-shirts, men's tank tops, women's tank tops, sweatshirts, beanies, snapbacks, coffee mugs, backpacks and more to come. Thank you all for tuning in. Have a great rest of your week, be safe, be responsible, don't drink and drive Peace.

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