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A Symphony of Humor, Music, and Solidarity: Post Malone & Band Chemistry Insights
July 19, 2023

A Symphony of Humor, Music, and Solidarity: Post Malone & Band Chemistry Insights

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If you've ever been part of a bar story that's become the stuff of legends or have an interesting musical anecdote to share, you just might find yourselves in good company. We share our funniest moments and anecdotes, as well as our musical perspectives and experiences. From discussing how Brad earned the title of "trustworthy" to Devon's sacred rule of not touching anything, our conversation is as varied as it is entertaining. Join us on this rollercoaster ride of humor, music, and camaraderie. You won't want to miss out!

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Speaker 1:

You're now listening to the Wilson King Podcast.

Speaker 2:

This episode of the Wilson King.

Speaker 4:

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Speaker 3:

Are we going? Yeah, we're going. Hey, welcome to the Wilson King podcast hosted by Brad Harden and Devin Fields. Sup, fuckers Devy, if you will. Today we have a special guest man. He made the long trip, really long trip, man. Today we have Billy Wilson on the podcast.

Speaker 6:

What's up, everybody, what's up. How's it going, dev? So how is the?

Speaker 3:

trip from the living room, bro, like was it rough.

Speaker 6:

It was really ours, it was really rough.

Speaker 3:

All right, we also have Lester James with us, yeah.

Speaker 4:

What a flank. All right, we brought teach Marin with us this morning.

Speaker 7:

Sure, why not we're?

Speaker 3:

off to a great start. This is wonderful. Like whose idea this was? That was terrible. So we got Billy leaving on a vacation for an undisclosed amount of time because nobody really knows. So we're going to do a practice run of us me Devin hosting the podcast today and we're going to interview Billy because we thought it would be fun for some reason.

Speaker 6:

I mean technically, I wasn't even supposed to be here today.

Speaker 3:

So this is supposed to be us interviewing 18 other people? Hell yeah, but now here I am 18.

Speaker 7:

That would be a full studio, I'm thinking.

Speaker 4:

We got 18 and one right here, the man the myth Pledge it.

Speaker 3:

Thanks bro, but you don't have to talk me up like that, it's fine.

Speaker 4:

Say what.

Speaker 3:

All right, man, so we're here to talk. What do you guys want to talk about? I can't talk to you about anything I want to talk to you about. So that already went through.

Speaker 6:

I mean I can just say it like I'm getting ready to deploy, I mean that's why I'm going to be taking an extended hiatus from doing the show. Pretty fair, but I can say that much.

Speaker 7:

Well, we thank you for your service anyway.

Speaker 6:

Well, thank you all for your support, brad forgets that, but I don't.

Speaker 4:

Hey cheers to that. I'll cheers to that, Yep.

Speaker 7:

Yeah cheers to that no.

Speaker 3:

I'm not thanking him for his service because that means he's not here. And who am I going to blow off? Well, that was a horrible wording. Who am I going to ditch on Friday nights? I'm not cheersing that guy.

Speaker 6:

Buddy, if you want to blow me off, you can do it anytime.

Speaker 7:

June is over. Oh my shit.

Speaker 3:

This is great.

Speaker 4:

start it just got X rated over here.

Speaker 5:

Is this the casting.

Speaker 7:

It's always the casting couch when Brad's around.

Speaker 3:

Listen, I need money, bro. 20 bucks is 20 bucks.

Speaker 6:

I mean, I'm going to be honest with you. It's free at this point.

Speaker 3:

Are you ready? I'm shitting on cardboard over here. It's fine guys.

Speaker 7:

Times are tough.

Speaker 3:

Times is hard Anyway how was golf this morning?

Speaker 6:

Oh, it was great you hit me with the hey man, I'm, I'm a, I'm pooping, changing, I'm on my way, I'm like bro, I'm on the 12th fucking hole. What do you mean?

Speaker 3:

you're going to be on your way. He's like you didn't text me. I straight pulls up and fucking text. I was just like oh, I thought that was a tick talk, my bad.

Speaker 4:

My thing said one o'clock. We originally had it for one o'clock.

Speaker 3:

We didn't Not for over here though.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Fuck, did.

Speaker 6:

I tell you, noon too, I just assumed noon oh that's when we always come over to record yeah, it doesn't matter, definitely would have been late anyway.

Speaker 7:

So I'm the only one that was early and I wouldn't even be here.

Speaker 6:

You weren't in the studio exactly on time.

Speaker 4:

How late was I?

Speaker 6:

Two, three minutes.

Speaker 5:

And you know what we were doing.

Speaker 4:

Lady May was outside trying to pee, but she just sat down in the grass and ate weeds. You're welcome.

Speaker 7:

You were totally confusing Anna Marie by keep calling her Lady May man.

Speaker 4:

Get out of here, Frank.

Speaker 3:

All right. So yesterday you guys were at a show, this amazing new place, love and vintage.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely. I love that place. All right, really chill place Trying to go do some really cool things.

Speaker 3:

Somebody may or may not have made a really horrible expensive a part like purchase area yesterday, but it's fine.

Speaker 4:

She's got puppies. We got a guest podcast are coming on right now. Hey bud, what up You're on the podcast?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was, yeah, I was. Oh, am I yeah right now?

Speaker 4:

I got you up to the microphone. What up bud?

Speaker 1:

What's going on, guys?

Speaker 4:

Give them some words of wisdom.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if there's any wisdom I got.

Speaker 4:

So this is the coolest thing ever, but how old are you? I'm doing great bro. No, how?

Speaker 7:

old are you? Your mind impression is amazing.

Speaker 4:

Did you hear what Frank just said? Yeah, hey, no, seriously, bud, how old are you?

Speaker 3:

You know I did have my hearing aid up, so holding up to the wind will not do there we go, guys.

Speaker 4:

No bud, seriously, how old are you?

Speaker 3:

You are, you're like superstar, aren't you, superstar? Podcast man.

Speaker 4:

That's where we're at the superstar podcast All right All right. So so full disclosure bud, you're 64. Is that right? Correcto, all right. And bud is like my best damn friend. We literally talk on the phone two, three times a day every single day they're feeling, so they'll grow back.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's fun Pretty much right.

Speaker 4:

Yep, pretty much right. Sorry, brad's a little butthurt right now that I said bud's my best friend.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's what he is, though. I mean, you know, he is that way, I mean he's.

Speaker 5:

This is exactly what we need him for the podcast.

Speaker 3:

All right guys, why am I head out? You guys have fun.

Speaker 4:

All right, well, thanks for coming, brad, later man.

Speaker 6:

All right, we're gonna have to put the photo over there up to the break I was like, okay, I gotta get on that.

Speaker 4:

All right, bud, I'm gonna let you go. Brother, I love you. I'll talk to you later. All right, see you.

Speaker 7:

I can't believe you called that guy just to prove you had a friend.

Speaker 4:

All right, so Frank gets it. He knows what he's doing.

Speaker 6:

Who's Frank? I know who James Lester is.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

I knew that was going to happen. It's Lester James, but that's what I'm going to name.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 5:

I'm kind of digging sheep's hair in this morning anyway, Billy Wilson.

Speaker 4:

Wilson King King Wilson Billy.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, it's same same. Same same, but different.

Speaker 4:

That's fine. Hey, this is Debbie.

Speaker 6:

Debbie. See, the fact he's called it to himself. To me is it's like free range for us to say it now.

Speaker 3:

You think, but then he gets mad at you.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you pull up my driveway and I will kick you in the head.

Speaker 3:

The amount of like the amount of stories we could tell just from this last little rant is like insane. We have, we have, we do way too much dumb shit.

Speaker 4:

I'm so happy that I picked up the answer from oh. I hope that was OK.

Speaker 6:

This is our show today, yeah we're hosting, bro.

Speaker 3:

Some idiot gave us like control of the shit.

Speaker 4:

Bull rain, let it wrap.

Speaker 6:

All right. So how was the show yesterday? Which one your show at? You know the place in Hancock.

Speaker 3:

Able shirt the dude it was. I have never had anybody request me play alkaline trio and it made my entire fucking existence Love. Jordan Wolford Was this about his point at me. I don't like it. Sorry, dude, that place is awesome. They just reopened. He's still getting some stuff together but like the has like a really cool bar that he's trying to finish, it's a really awesome, amazing place.

Speaker 6:

I see.

Speaker 3:

They were playing, is it?

Speaker 4:

that team yeah.

Speaker 3:

So they were weird. But before that man, I wrote up the support. You know, devin Zach Grace.

Speaker 4:

Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Lester James at Love and Vintage. I wasn't playing but they were. But you ran sound and made it all happen bro.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I'm sorry, I forgot Devin Devy.

Speaker 4:

He was he had a slight amount of y'all. Can't see my face right now, but I'm pissed.

Speaker 7:

So he's like, hey, man, you know, can you, can you play a couple of songs, man, just you know, till I break the jitters and I'm like, yeah, sure, buddy, no problem. So I did, and then he played bass with me, which is always awesome. I love when he plays bass with me and yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Devy's a great bass player.

Speaker 4:

What's the basses Rico? It's Rodrigo, but she is insisting Rod Rico.

Speaker 6:

I mean, I'm going to be honest, I've heard nothing but great thing about Devy's bass playing Devy's great at bass, indeed, he's always got a spot on my stage anytime.

Speaker 4:

Hey, can I get another one of them? Beers, and please, because each one of y'all are getting picked in the freaking left temple.

Speaker 3:

No. So we recently started putting like a full band together, which is awesome. He's been playing bass to all my originals. It's been literally insane to see how much better my songwriting is whenever there's other good songwriters around to help me fix my lame shit.

Speaker 4:

So it's funny. So me as a songwriter actually we're going in some deep here for a second. Me as a songwriter, I always look at this like it's funny, because I play people's songs that I wrote and they're like OK, and it's like no, like you don't understand, like this isn't the whole song, like people don't get that. And it's like this is the skeleton and the bass is going to come on. There's the heart, there's the lungs, the drums are going to come on. There's the muscles you know the shiny little guitar parts going to come on. There's the skin, like it does you know, no pun intended, but it has a flesh out, like totally does. And it's like you, you bring that to the table with the skeleton. It's like dude, let's put some stuff in this. It's like operation.

Speaker 5:

Me wrong. No right, no right.

Speaker 3:

But no, dude, like, so we try. This is how this whole thing came together. We had that show where I was supposed to play acoustic I think we talked about it last time with dinosaurs and Lenthurst dinosaurs in Paris and Lenthurst and I was like I'm not going to follow fucking Lenthurst acoustic, that is a terrible idea. So I put a band together. Originally Devin was on guitar and we had Mike Bonowitz on drums and like every, all of us do so many things. Tyler Travis was on base for that show. He's in eternal frequency. Mike's in 18 bands because he's a drummer and that's what they do. So, like, me and Devin play a lot of acoustic shows but like, for the most part, like we have some spare time to be like OK, well, we can kind of like tone it down for like a week here, a week there and go play these shows. So then we hooked up with Jay Carter, because Brandon Wright, you know, trying to get everybody ever in a band and it's fantastic. So Jay comes in for one, like one set down and like by the end of it we're like breaking down songs, making stuff different, making stuff better. At the end of it he's like so like, am I in the band and we're like, yeah, the fuck you mean, bro, he's still the third best drummer that Devin's ever played with.

Speaker 4:

All right, I'm glad that you brought this in here. I ain't I'm going there. No, he is by far the best drummer I have ever played with. Like Homeboy just picked up and he's like wait, we go halftime there and like I'll look out and be like he's like all right and like he just gets it Like dude. I think me and Jay together as a rhythm section is awesome. I love it.

Speaker 3:

Like because he let him go and be like, hey, is this right? And I'm like just play with you, feel, bro, because I'm going to follow it and it's not been wrong yet. Wow that was that was prophetic. Can't use big words for them. Stupid, all right, sorry.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he's just on cardboard.

Speaker 7:

I want you to.

Speaker 5:

I'm putting, I'm putting a lot of cheese right now.

Speaker 3:

Hey Frank, I just want you guys to know that's going to be the first piece of merch I ever put out to the world. Brad Hardwood like shit on the fucking cardboard and Frank yes.

Speaker 4:

All right. So for the listeners, can you do me a big favor and tell them about the story of the first time that we met?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, you need to get closer. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7:

So my buddy, brad Harden, gets me set up with Strasburg Mayfest. Hey, man, play this show with me. I'm like, sure, dude, no problem. He's like we got this other guy playing with this guy named Devin Fields. I'm like, yeah man, I heard of that guy Day of show. Brad hits me out, says, hey man, why don't you pick Devin up on the way down there? I'm like, absolutely man, pick up a total stranger I never met before and drive an hour and a half shouldn't be awkward. Why not Pick this guy up in Hager's Town at Subway? The Hager's Town Subway, the sandwich shop, not the underground train too, by the way.

Speaker 4:

Attached to the pilot.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, attached to the truck stop and he's out there with with all this stuff on the curb. I'm like, hey, man, get in. Oh my God, and we start talking about music and believe it or not. There was no awkwardness, man. It was like you know, by the time we got to Strasburg. It's like we've been hanging out for years, like we had stories of our youth and shit like that, so it was really cool.

Speaker 4:

It was awesome. I'm not going to lie, dude, I'm thankful for you.

Speaker 7:

I'm thankful for you, bro.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah I got lucky.

Speaker 7:

I just keep in drinks up.

Speaker 3:

I just keep introducing, like Devon to really great people is all I'm saying.

Speaker 4:

Well, fuck you, brad. So wait, did, wait. Did you just say my name?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I did, I fixed it, it's fine, thanks, man. So anyway, debbie.

Speaker 6:

I mean, I mean I wouldn't say I'm that great of a person, but all right.

Speaker 4:

So I know this is an audio or a video thing. Sorry, it's a total audio thing, but my fist is up right now behind my head. And I look just like bubbles from trailer Park Boys and I'm about to pop him in the face.

Speaker 6:

It's OK, debbie, we all have them days, so how?

Speaker 3:

does it feel being like the producer, just having to make sure we don't go too far off track today?

Speaker 6:

It's nice, very nice.

Speaker 4:

But Bud Light's nice, it's nice. So wait, that's a big thing right now. So yesterday, oh, yesterday, after the game, I kid you, not Cassie, my girl, it's her mom, her name is Michelle we went, we got this dog and then we went to tractor supply afterwards and we had to get a whole bunch of supplies for the little pup and there's a giant right beside it. We're going to buy alcohol, and so I buy her bush light. She drinks bush light, I get my bitch beers, white gloss, and then her mom goes and buys Bud Light Limes and she goes Devon. Don't tell anybody that I got these. Dude, it was like I was chilling with Anne Frank and we were in the fucking Holocaust.

Speaker 3:

Can we have a sidebar here real quick? She just told you not. Not only did she tell you not to tell anybody, you just named her.

Speaker 4:

Now I'm telling everyone, but nobody's going to know who that is.

Speaker 3:

I mean dude honestly why is there such a big thing to tell him a secret. Yeah, right, he's going to tell everybody as soon as you get a microphone in front of them. Why is it.

Speaker 4:

Why is it a big thing?

Speaker 3:

Listen here, brad calm down.

Speaker 4:

Why is it a big thing though?

Speaker 6:

Because all of the fucking rednecks got up in arms because they made custom cans for a transgender person who's like a really big influencer drag queen it was a drag queen, or a train, it was one of the two, right, and all the fucking rednecks got all pissed off. They're like I'm not going to drink bloodlite anymore.

Speaker 1:

Do what we don't do it for literally everybody Like you can.

Speaker 3:

you can call right now and be like hey, I want to Wilson King blood, like can, and they're going to send you a 30 pack. You just have to pay a whole lot extra made.

Speaker 7:

Made a six pack, bro. Yeah yeah, there was the total of six.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, like they didn't even sell six cans were made bro and they were like only given to that person. It's not like they put them on the market to sell.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, nothing it's, it's wild People are dumb.

Speaker 4:

So when we were playing down at the Hancock Legion, what happened there? Whenever I was drinking bloodlite, I remember. You don't remember that. No, oh, my God, dude. The people literally were just like we're going to leave. Oh, dude, that's the, because we get free domestics there and I'm just like give me a bloodlite, like I don't know, it's just easy, like in my head, like it's.

Speaker 7:

So people were going to leave because you were drinking beer that was served in the establishment that they were in. Yes because you were drinking the beer, not because the establishment was serving it, and that's not forget me.

Speaker 3:

And like they support this establishment and want to be there. And like this establishment already bought this beer. Like it's already been paid for. Like if you don't drink it, like they're setting on beer, they're never going to get money back for it If I mean I just go ahead and add that into the equation.

Speaker 7:

It's silly.

Speaker 4:

Here's a thing that pissed me off about it. I tell you what I swapped everything. Do you what I swapped over to Miller light? They're like oh, this guy's awesome, it's, it's you guys. I heard my language. But hey, anyone who was at the Hancock Legion that night, Well, a couple and y'all and y'all were judging me for drinking that.

Speaker 7:

Fuck y'all drink whatever you want. I guarantee you are not going to catch a gay through a fucking beer can.

Speaker 3:

So don't worry about it.

Speaker 5:

I caught the gaze. You know what I mean.

Speaker 3:

Bro, the kid at work is like man, like I don't know man, like I like Budweiser, but I don't like their advertising. Like one I was like man, if you drink Bud Light you're going to be gay. I'm like I'm pretty sure, bro, if you drink a Bud Light you're gay. You're probably gay before the Bud Light, it's just like we're in seventh grade right now.

Speaker 4:

I'll just do it.

Speaker 7:

Dude, it's always funny to write, I drink go garden because I think Bud Light tastes like shit, Bro, like the advertisement.

Speaker 6:

So I mean but you know, I think it's kind of funny Like any any any time anyone would drink Bud Light, just like me fucking with him.

Speaker 1:

We always make a little bit of an ultra guy.

Speaker 6:

I'm like, bro, you trying to come out with me right now.

Speaker 3:

Like is that why you're drinking Bud Light? That's part of it. You used like I always fuck with people like oh, you don't like good beer, it's OK.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Like I don't know it's people suck Like Bouch Latte.

Speaker 6:

It's there OK.

Speaker 4:

I'm fine.

Speaker 6:

I can drink a good Bouch Latte. I can drink a good Bouch Latte Natty Light. Drink the fuck out of some Natty Light.

Speaker 4:

Boy, I did it up at the campground.

Speaker 3:

You're ready to piss a whole lot of people off. You know, Natty Light is actually just Bud Light, right?

Speaker 2:

No. It's like yeah it's like the runoff.

Speaker 7:

Pretty much just like Keystone Light is Coors Light yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't know Keystone Light. Why don't like Coors Light either?

Speaker 7:

So yeah, never mind. Keystone Light is Coors Light yeah.

Speaker 3:

I can't do like I drank at the other night. I've like wanted the puke, but in the night it was horrible.

Speaker 6:

I remember I used to drink Bud Ice.

Speaker 4:

Do you say Bud Ice?

Speaker 6:

Bud Ice.

Speaker 3:

We used to drink Milwaukee's best ice warm at parties because nobody would steal your beer. Now, if you show me a can like, I'm going to go outside and like have to like dry heat for a minute, just from like the memory Y'all ever slam a Genesee.

Speaker 7:

Yep, what 12 horse ale bro what.

Speaker 5:

Frank does what's up.

Speaker 7:

What you want to talk about? A staggering, drunk and explosive hangover. That is your go to Dude for sure.

Speaker 3:

I feel like we just found a third hose, for whenever we fucking do this, it's going to be for, it's going to be Lester.

Speaker 4:

Lester James.

Speaker 6:

Or James Lester, you know whatever you want to call him. Yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm digging Cheech Marin, like that was that was the lead in. So I'm going to that one today because you got on there.

Speaker 3:

You're like I'm a team man. I wish you guys would have seen the peace signs he threw up and everything was fantastic. We need a visual representation for that one?

Speaker 6:

Do I need to find a cartoonist and just start doing like cartoons of all the episodes? Right, oh?

Speaker 4:

I know a guy and his name is Joe Cherry. Do you remember me telling you about Joe Cherry earlier?

Speaker 3:

I don't remember anything. We talk about ever.

Speaker 4:

No, so Joe Cherry is the dude that I said. The spectrum that we say Hang out with all the time and we're like Joe, we hear you got a girlfriend. He goes yeah, my buddy goes. Anal question mark.

Speaker 5:

And he goes no, she's Catholic.

Speaker 3:

You just wanted any reason to talk about that again.

Speaker 5:

No, but the best part is he's literally an animator. He makes cartoons. I can't you not I?

Speaker 4:

can't you not? If we looking up on YouTube, there's a video of Joe Cherry and I at his house that we made whenever we went videography class together.

Speaker 3:

Is it going to be like the post alone, video from when I bring it to school? Oh, please tell me, you've seen that video. Yeah Him and the fucking Daisy Dukes and shit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I've seen it. Dude posties are Posties like a little fucked up right now Is he? Has anybody seen recent videos of him on stage?

Speaker 3:

like dancing and shit. All crazy, or no, he's all his memory man. Oh, I didn't know that man, I didn't know about that.

Speaker 4:

Sad because I'm like dude, he's such a talent.

Speaker 3:

I thought, such a talent. Well, I don't know, he's not just a good talent Like that dude's a solid human being in general, like it's me honestly, it's plus.

Speaker 4:

he's got a bad ass Bronco. You've seen that thing before.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I know.

Speaker 4:

Exactly Baby blue.

Speaker 3:

Well, I remember that thing is awesome. I remember the last generational talent with a Bronco bro. This is going to end badly for everybody.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, totally is. But, yeah, it's like a 92 Bronco thing is disgusting, but I don't get that.

Speaker 3:

I watched that on. The news Is that unfolded back in the 90s. Bro, this is not end, well, I? See See seeing the news.

Speaker 6:

Seeing the videos of him performing, like I'm sitting there, I'm like I could have sworn that he got sober, because everyone's like dude, he's all like peeled out, and I'm like he literally came out and said he was sober.

Speaker 7:

He is sober man. He's got some health issues going on. He's I don't know if anybody else knows Like he's got a lot of weight gain, like he's got a lot of health things going on, and I don't think he's telling.

Speaker 4:

No, he shed a lot recently. If you see him on stage, like now, homeboy looks like me. Homeboy looks like yes, he looks like me.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Damn. Yeah, no, he's yeah, but OK, let's not make it that.

Speaker 3:

Concerning Well, no thanks, brad. No, no, it's concerning for him. You know what I mean. Like, because, like he, he was, he was. I can carry that he had. He can't Because he had a dad bod like three months ago. You know what I mean. Like it's not, no, he's skinny, skinny.

Speaker 4:

Damn yeah, seriously, watch the videos, dude, you'll be like and.

Speaker 7:

I think videos man if if you see him sing.

Speaker 4:

There was a video of him singing. Yep, I fall apart and Cassie and I were talking about it the other day. No, it was like oh Shit dude.

Speaker 6:

He's on the stage laying down like Mm-hmm.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Mm-hmm. Yeah, I didn't see any of that, holy shit.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, well it's disturbing and it's sad yeah which which, like a lot of people chalk like because, like I fall apart is was like he. Any time he's performed that song. Granted, it's gotten a lot, he's gotten a lot more. Yeah but oh, there's a lot of emotion that he put into writing that song, so every time he performs it he goes all the fuck out performing that song.

Speaker 4:

I have a song like that.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I get it now, now, now now, him laying on the stage. Now, now him laying on the stage. Is that him like? Just like the emotions getting to him? Or Is he fucked up on stage Because people are like half a dozen one way, half a dozen the other, you know, yeah, six one way, half a dozen the other. Yeah, I'd like to see him on Rogan again, though, dude, I'm not gonna lie, the coolest thing that I've seen posty do.

Speaker 4:

Did you watch the thing that he did with the country band when he played?

Speaker 3:

He's the only reason I knew that song, like I heard that song. Him, do that song before I ever heard.

Speaker 7:

Come on the other.

Speaker 3:

She's pulled it up. I don't listen to country, yeah.

Speaker 4:

I mean I don't see showing a video of it.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, he's Definitely not himself, that's for sure, but he's not okay, can hey?

Speaker 3:

because he did what? The bread can we just throw?

Speaker 4:

some out to all the listeners. Somebody Please check one posty, is he alright? Give him a hug, give him a kiss, tell him Debbie Senate.

Speaker 6:

Hell yeah, Debbie.

Speaker 3:

Can't wait to make a band page later, but Debbie is the basis.

Speaker 6:

Please do.

Speaker 4:

Right and left today I.

Speaker 6:

Fantastic, brad, you have to do it now. What I do.

Speaker 3:

We just gotta make sure that happens, the band page happens today, that's all probably gonna take a nap. Let's be honest.

Speaker 6:

Do? I feel like every fucking time I try to talk to you're like you mean, I just won't go from a nap.

Speaker 3:

Because, bro, that's the only time I sleep is like me okay.

Speaker 4:

Do you remember we called Brad yesterday and asked him or yeah, it was yesterday, right? No, it wasn't yesterday.

Speaker 3:

No, no, yesterday you called me nine o'clock in the morning. I went to bed because you went to bed three Wednesday it was Thursday. Thursday because Wednesday I recorded, so I was up in like there at 12 and yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it was Thursday so and I'm like. I'm like hey, brad, what's up? He's like uh bro, I ain't got nothing going on, so I figured fuck it take a nap.

Speaker 3:

Bro, you guys can make fun of me all you want to. I get like three hours of sleep at night. I don't give a fuck. I'll take a nap all day. I'll take a nap right now.

Speaker 4:

She does too. I feel bad, do you sleep?

Speaker 3:

Yeah we talked about. She's like I've gotten 24 hours in last night of sleep the last two weeks and I'm like, yeah, that's me 24 hours of two weeks, holy fuck Fucking. Yeah, you're right you're right, you're right. You got to make sure he's asleep first yeah alright.

Speaker 4:

Oh wait, it's because I'm feral, not cuz I'm sexy. All right, I got it I.

Speaker 7:

Mean the one that said you were the alley cat man. I am a fucking alley.

Speaker 4:

I added the main my you said the alley cat. The main was good. So my friends literally have a verb Talking about me. Whenever I'm like up to shenanigans and doing crazy shit, they call it raccooning. They're like yep DBos out raccooning around I.

Speaker 6:

Couldn't it couldn't be more fitting Debbie the raccoon oh.

Speaker 4:

Dude, I got my freaking alley cat, debbie I got my, what all I say?

Speaker 6:

Your mask, your mask.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, right here. Well, yeah, I'll come up with something. That's fine, I'll figure it out. I know, look, my mask, my mask, my skin is.

Speaker 3:

Don't think come on, guys might be super smart. Don't think give me whatever, be all log, so little steps, all right.

Speaker 7:

Okay, so on.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, yeah, so it's, you know. I said come on guys.

Speaker 6:

I'm kinda like no, it was April.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

All right, it was the beginning of April then.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, no, it was like mid.

Speaker 4:

April. Are you fighting me right now? It's OK One is traveling.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, yeah, pull up in my driveway one time it has been such a wild couple months. It's insane. I did. Oh wait, I haven't actually yet you got to drive to pull up in some of his driveway.

Speaker 4:

Be neat, oh, shots been fired.

Speaker 6:

Damn, I went back too far. Where's that April 26th? What?

Speaker 5:

is when the episode released.

Speaker 3:

We've, we've, like literally done so we recorded. It probably like the week like the weekend before that. Yeah, told you. It's like mid.

Speaker 4:

April 20th, 21st, yeah, now you're right. You trying to fight?

Speaker 5:

me right now.

Speaker 3:

No, he's trying to prove you wrong, bro. So much shit's happened. They're on the spectrum hall in two seconds.

Speaker 5:

Me, me.

Speaker 3:

So what shows have we played together? I know we did the nuke show. All three of us played that one.

Speaker 4:

There was a dude that actually came up to me, I think Four days after that he goes. Dude, someone was at the show. Tell me, like dude, you got here, devin Fields, he's a real deal, he's like, and I heard you he's like and you were great he's like. But I really want to hear you when you're not drunk.

Speaker 3:

Look which is wild, because on April 26th you were sober Anyway so sober, I was up until 30th.

Speaker 4:

So, sober, so sober, get out of here, frank oh my God, I love it. Hey, can we talk about? So I had somebody dissecting lyrics of a song that I wrote recently. Can we talk about that? Sure, yeah, all right. So there's song that I think has potential to, like legit, be hit, and the idea behind it was that every shot has a reason. So what I was thinking of was, like I used to go to this old bar in Green Castle, pa Was it Jim's Maybe?

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

Yes, totally was Jim's.

Speaker 7:

I've taken a couple of those shots too.

Speaker 4:

And you see and you see same, and you see old dudes in there and they're taking shots and like every time that I look at them I'm thinking there's a reason for each one of these shots. There's a love loss, there's a friend loss, there's whatever you know heartache, heartbreak, whatever the hell. And so what I wrote was this shot of whiskey is for when you kiss me and I didn't feel a damn thing at all. This shot of Jack is for when you pack your bags up and took off and this tequila says I don't need you, I am playing your games anymore from Makers and Yeager Jamison Hennessey. Please take away all the memories. I take each shot so you can't shoot me. Now. A dude that I talked to. He said he goes, there's one thing wrong with it and I'm trying to like my brain still can't figure it out. He said the second line. So I said like all of them are generics until I get to the last line. But I say this shot of whiskey and tequila, but in the middle is Jack, and Jack is like a specific brand. So he's like you need to figure out a different liquor To be in the second one. Does that make sense?

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I mean, then you also use Hennessey as well and Yeager no, yeah.

Speaker 4:

On the last one, it was all specifics Makers Yeager, jamison Hennessey.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, please take away all the memories, and I don't mind that because they're all together.

Speaker 3:

Well, people don't.

Speaker 7:

I was just saying, people don't really take shots, say that, this shot of Jen that knocked me on the chin from the time you packed and took off.

Speaker 4:

Oh damn. Thanks, Frank, all right written.

Speaker 3:

I was getting ready to tell you like I'm like I gave him lyrics today.

Speaker 7:

I'm done with the Devon.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right.

Speaker 7:

Charity project. I'm telling you what you went to school for. This shit, bro, I'm learning it on that.

Speaker 4:

That's the sad part. Yeah, I totally went to school for this. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Damn, she's got school bro.

Speaker 6:

Hey, how's that spicy mango card?

Speaker 3:

Fucking awesome. Like I took one taste and I'm like yeah there's a spicy mango card. I just found out too, and it's amazing. You should try it sometime.

Speaker 5:

Well, give me a sip, no this is mine Don't be a prick.

Speaker 3:

Brad Harden, nice to meet you.

Speaker 6:

Don't be a prick and give me a sip.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that needs to be a long song right there I.

Speaker 3:

Nice, give it back.

Speaker 6:

I've also got a guava cart in there too.

Speaker 3:

One of that. I don't know what it is, but if I'll take it's fine. I'm poor shit on cardboard Um.

Speaker 7:

Hey man, here you do that when you ain't got no water. Hey bro, right.

Speaker 4:

Can I ask one simple question? Oh fuck, corrugated or not. Absolutely oh, it's corrugated. Oh, trust me, that's the good shit it's.

Speaker 7:

it's the plastic kind man, so you can wipe it off like a Fucking dry erase board. Yeah, I just Wipe that shit off, literally.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:

Hey. So, Lester, how's it feel to write two of Devon songs today?

Speaker 7:

You know, I just try to help people out. Anyway, I can, that's what I'm doing. Anybody I can help out, that's what I do.

Speaker 4:

I just want to thank all the skinny people.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, skinny people, chubby people, man, I don't discriminate, it doesn't matter. Oh.

Speaker 3:

Wait was Brad just called out he called me chubby, not fat, but I'll take that as a win.

Speaker 7:

He's hoping he has chasers.

Speaker 4:

Hey Brad, what's up? Are you gonna play a song at any point today?

Speaker 3:

Probably because every time I come on here just happens to be randomly like I have a song coming out.

Speaker 7:

You got a new one coming out right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, friday. Well, it's new to the people.

Speaker 7:

It's a play to my old people the people yeah the people to all the people there you go.

Speaker 3:

All people matter.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, all the beautiful people.

Speaker 4:

Hey, it's a small world after all.

Speaker 3:

Maybe I'll play it. Did you bring your guitar?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, I brought Justin's guitar fair.

Speaker 3:

Never mind, I Not gonna say the rest of that anyway.

Speaker 4:

I'm not gonna lie, sparky, I love you. Thank you for letting me borrow your guitar if you're listening, but that guitar sucks.

Speaker 3:

It sounds so basic, but we're gonna plug it in so it doesn't matter.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, man, that's fine. It sounds great plugged in. Wait, am I gonna get like?

Speaker 6:

three people playing today. Yeah, we're.

Speaker 3:

I figure we can all pull up why? Not Frank hasn't been here, so wait you hey you chill out.

Speaker 4:

You are the guest right now, sir. Thank you.

Speaker 7:

I didn't bring an instrument, Well you can borrow you can borrow.

Speaker 3:

Justin's, hey, mine's in your case so you can play that one. It's like half years anyway.

Speaker 4:

Justin Taylor is a whore right now.

Speaker 7:

Well, technically that case protected that guitar you would have lost it, so it should be.

Speaker 3:

My Virginia Beach was what happened to your case. Oh, you didn't hear. So we're in Virginia Beach. Like I get there and like the first thing that happens, I'm going down to see my aunt hang out a couple places trying to get some bookings or whatever, and I get a speeding ticket for going 84 and a 65 and I don't know if you know this or not, but but in Virginia anything over 80 is aggressive and reckless. So now they like move my court date and didn't give me an actual fine and I'm like, fuck, I have to court for this. Like I have to drive back down there to go to court. This is gonna be fantastic. So we got hang out a couple days fucking amazing time, like we. I got to see um, my son, the hurricane 13 piece like ska funk band fantastic, we're leaving. And Some weird shit happened with GPS and my cousin tried to like make a turn we weren't expecting to make and we got hit, fucking Eric, and pressure got tossed on top of my guitar and the trunk and Because of that case is the only reason. And, like before Frank, everything I had was in a soft case. I'm so happy I had that case.

Speaker 7:

Well, there's new guitar. He's like look man, I'm so happy to have this guitar. Listen to it. It sounds great. I'm like keep it in that bag, man. He's like yeah. I'm like nah man, Hold on. I got a case.

Speaker 3:

Well, I was like man like I'm gonna buy one eventually and he's like use this one for the time being.

Speaker 4:

We both know it wasn't gonna buy case so, so super dope thing that happened one time. I needed a base case for Rodrigo and I called up. So I live in Fayetteville, pa, and right around the corner for me is a. It's a really strange story.

Speaker 7:

It's called Raybeth by the way, there's no corners in Fayetteville, it's a street line.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, I live. I live on the street. It's main street, I live there.

Speaker 3:

This place is on 30, on the corner, I don't. You can call it Fayetteville. I guess you don't know.

Speaker 4:

Yes, I stand out on that corner Sometimes it's fun so.

Speaker 3:

Hey, bucks, 20 bucks, 20 bucks and he's still broke, go figure. Yeah, it was neat.

Speaker 4:

So, anyways, I Call up the owner. I'm like, hey Ray, he goes, what's up Devon? Yeah, see, he calls me Devon. He goes, what's up Devon. And I'm like I Need a case for a bass guitar. He goes, I think I might have something that can help you. He goes, it's for a guitar, he's like, but if it's a shorter scale, like you say, cuz mine is he's like it might work, so I'll leave it out for you. So, like five days later, I call him up Like hey Ray, you still got that case out there. He's like, yeah, come over. Like I need a couple back strings, I need that case. And I kid you not, I only had $18 in my pocket. And and, homeboy, he goes Devon, that's a cool bass you need. You need to put it in a case. He goes, just take it and pay me back later. So, like Six days later, I played a gig. I got paid for the one in the morning and then when I was going to one that night, I Told my driver I was like, hey, can you stop by this place? He goes, yeah, and I just walked in hand them 20 bucks to pay the rest of it. But I thought that was so dope that homeboys. Just like you need a case, bro, you need strings, take them bro.

Speaker 3:

Lincoln Way exit if you take, if you take the right off of Lincoln Way in Chambersburg, devon is known, and damn near all of those stores. It is fucking ridiculous to go anywhere.

Speaker 6:

Is that 30, exit 30?

Speaker 3:

no exit oh.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, what exit is?

Speaker 4:

it 16 16.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, do not like. If you go left, you're going to the hospital. If you go right, you go like Walmart.

Speaker 4:

I know everybody out there when we went whenever. I yeah there when we went.

Speaker 3:

Whenever I come to Chambersburg, the beer store like barefoot and they don't say shit. They're like, oh, that was back.

Speaker 4:

That's why I walk in everywhere, like this morning we walked in gas station. I just was holding the dog and they're like, hey, we're not pet friendly. I'm like, all right, my bad, I Just think I can get away with whatever wherever.

Speaker 6:

It's because you're an alley cat alley cat Out here racking around. Debbie the alley cat.

Speaker 7:

Debbie the alley cat.

Speaker 6:

Debbie, you should be yelling at Brad. I didn't know about the Debbie thing until he well said it first of all.

Speaker 3:

Her sister started it. My last name is Harden. I'm like nobody can ever beat the horrible names. Be Harden, like be hard on be, you know what I mean. Like there's a lot of things to do with that. Debbie's not that bad, that's all it's okay.

Speaker 4:

We get out of here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, ski dick exactly.

Speaker 4:

Nobody's worried about freaking a hard on. That's great. It's a lovely thing. Poker up with it, dude.

Speaker 6:

No, do listen, brad. Still saved in my phone is whiskey dick and it will never change. He's out is how I got into Billy. Show me Billy show me.

Speaker 3:

Thanks, thanks to Billy Yep. Billy show me.

Speaker 4:

The other, billy. Sorry, just for clarification for the listeners. Billy Brown the four leaves loser.

Speaker 7:

Oh, I thought it was drunk Willie.

Speaker 3:

For a minute it was, and then went to whiskey D.

Speaker 6:

And I went to whiskey dick.

Speaker 3:

Well, it was whiskey dick. That's where whiskey D came from, but yeah, who's playing first?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:

Recording so we can get this set up. Yeah, we're gonna pause recording, for sure.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 4:

Give a sec.

Speaker 7:

All right. We got a new exclusive coming out today by Brad Harden With Debbie on the base.

Speaker 3:

We got Debbie on the base At the Wilson Wilson King podcast All right, this song comes out everywhere on Friday, july 21st date sounds right to me. Anyway, you ready.

Speaker 1:

I Put my feet on the ground. The room is spinning round and round From another night on a curve. Last night was so buzzer Another whiskey bottle lying on the floor and I can't get myself. My wallet has run dry and this headache's got me paralyzed and I need more sleep, son of day, because right now I don't remember a thing. Know, these late nights got me up, up, done, but I'll tell you what, man, I can't give them up.

Speaker 6:

Hell yeah, brother. Yeah, but one of them stayed around.

Speaker 4:

What was his name?

Speaker 7:

What was the lore in Texas, totally when?

Speaker 3:

So Nate and Dion were the league guitarist, the drummer, who actually, I'm pretty sure, if I remember correctly, we showed up. Nate and Dion were like just jam around and came up with the riff in the entire, like backing for the music. We put everything else to it. It took months for them to be like Brad you need to write lyrics as fucking song and then throw them over for months.

Speaker 7:

Okay, if he's anything like me?

Speaker 4:

yeah, absolutely fair enough.

Speaker 3:

That's why we're buds, buds after a couple months it was like you need to write words to this so we can start playing it out. I'm like. So I ended up just writing about being like miserable and not wanting to do anything like, but how my last night was Falling. Worth every minute of like being that way, because we also practice it like Saturday o'clock in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays and I was a bouncer in Martinsburg and they get off work till 3 or 4 in the morning, so like Mm-hmm.

Speaker 7:

Do I dare ask what place in Martinsburg?

Speaker 4:

Twice. I've been shot at by a phone before I get it.

Speaker 3:

The first time was a first time was close and second time.

Speaker 6:

Was about the same person Made it as Martin's bird the worst one was like we actually let cops say.

Speaker 3:

On the second one, this dude had an eight-hour standoff with the police after he shot at the fucking like front of the building. After I kicked him out of the bar. He had the gun on him the entire time. I was like, yeah, I need to find a job, I'm done. So they had like an eight-hour standoff and shit and like it was ridiculous. He just got out of the job trying to cut a lady's arm off or a fucking sword.

Speaker 6:

You just in bars hanging out like Devon. What the fuck did you do? And then you unplugged it.

Speaker 4:

I unplugged it first.

Speaker 2:

Oh this is why I was checking out the mind house Billy.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 6:


Speaker 7:

What a no touch a no touch rule for Devon, you know okay anything you want, just don't touch shit.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 7:

Who's this Frank guy man? Is he coming soon, like is there?

Speaker 6:

another guest.

Speaker 3:

So Somewhere on Facebook for Friday.

Speaker 4:

July Okay 2026, I'll be there.

Speaker 6:

So, devon, you gonna play the old bass for your originals I.

Speaker 4:

I wish, but now, because Brad don't know well enough, I don't trust Brad.

Speaker 6:

Well, you don't trust Brad I thought he's one of your best friends. I.

Speaker 4:

Wouldn't trust Brad.

Speaker 6:

I trust Brad. I don't trust Brad.

Speaker 4:

How far? How far can you throw him?

Speaker 6:

I can't throw him at all. You see how fatty is.

Speaker 7:

I trust Brad.

Speaker 4:

I trust Brad.

Speaker 7:

I totally trust Brad.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Brad Brad.

Speaker 7:

He is not the guy that's gonna tell everybody on a podcast that the drink Bud Light after you tell him not to tell anybody. You know what I mean. He is not that guy. Yeah what. I am she don't even know that, yet she does now.

Speaker 6:

Right under the bus, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

In the story. He did that all of us and went right into the microphone. She told me not to tell anybody, but I'm gonna tell everybody.

Speaker 4:

Yes. I wasn't talking about it. I was talking about a and Frank, it's fine.

Speaker 5:

It was the Holocaust. We were there, it was 1941.

Speaker 3:

They're talking about Helen Keller Like she flew, like it was something about flying an airplane or something, and they're like, yeah, she flew it. What would it be like a Helen Keller like flew an airplane or something?

Speaker 4:

So they just merged all of the successful women. But. But the fucked up part is Helen Keller is the blind and deaf one right, she really blind and deaf though. Yes, yeah, water watch it.

Speaker 7:

Yes, yeah, she was blind and deaf. I don't wait, Now wait. I don't think she flew an airplane. I think you're talking about Amelia Earhart baby.

Speaker 4:

No, it was Harriet Tubman.

Speaker 3:

I didn't say it, bro.

Speaker 1:

First of, all, I'm not the one who said any of these things.

Speaker 3:

I listened to it from another podcast on TikTok Cause I'm like what? And I think the joke was she was blind and deaf. Like did you? And they were like they were talking to an idiot and were like, hey, she's about the time she flew an airplane, so they weren't really talking about Amelia Earhart or anything but, like. They're like. You can hear the time that, like the blind, deaf lady flew an airplane, he's like how'd she fly it from the attic, bro? And they're like what.

Speaker 6:

Oh Lord.

Speaker 5:

So who's playing next?

Speaker 6:

Devin or Lester Frank.

Speaker 7:

Man, I was not even looking to play man Like that was a way too many fucking candy bars.

Speaker 4:

I didn't need any candy bars, he's got all the psilocybin and THC rolling through his veins right now. Yeah, that's your lifeblood it is.

Speaker 5:

My man.

Speaker 7:

It is you know when, when I was at the Navy man and I was in the Navy.

Speaker 4:

Thank you for your service, bro. I didn't know that. Thank you for your service.

Speaker 7:

What the hell I made it to? I was in Great Mistakes, illinois. Anybody that's ever been to the Navy knows what I'm talking about whenever.

Speaker 4:

I say great, is it actually called that?

Speaker 7:

No, it's called Great Lakes Illinois Naval Training Base, but to anybody that's ever been there, it is called Great Mistakes, illinois. And yeah, I was there for like two weeks. Man, I'm in, get my immunizations and everything, and basically that's like walking down a fucking gauntlet, man, and they're hitting you from both sides pow, pow, pow and it's. It's. It's disturbing, to say the least. But then they give you this biosilin shot and they it's injected by a needle and they shoot it in your butt, cheek.

Speaker 6:

You talking about the peanut?

Speaker 7:

butter shot, oh yeah. And you get down and you got to roll this sucker out like, oh yeah, it'll thicken up, and you got to sit down on the ground and roll this shit out. So I'm here in pain with this shot and they come and they tell me like hey, man, you need to come over here.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Maybe in a nurse, I know that. Okay, so there's three muscles in the butt on both sides. There's everyone knows.

Speaker 7:

Mine are all well defined.

Speaker 4:

Gluteus maximus gluteus minimus gluteus medius, and that's where it goes in the medius, which is the one in the middle that is underneath everything in the middle. Yeah, so that's deep, deep, Huh. And then they go after, like dealing with this shot.

Speaker 7:

Oh, they said. They said come over here, so I went over there man. Well, frank, don't go over there bro, there's like there's like 15, 15 of us that they called over there, you know, and it you all popped hot on your piss test and I'm like what do you mean? I popped it hot on my piss test and he's like well, you don't have near enough blood flowing through your pot stream to be here in the military with us. So, yeah, I got sent home and that was an interesting, interesting two weeks I had to spend in the ninth division, which is basically like the, like the break. It's kind of like the brig, you know. You kind of just stand out in the courtyard all day and yeah.

Speaker 4:

You were in the hole.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then they cut us loose. You know, like there was like 25 of us that they cut loose all on the same day. You get your chip book, which is essentially money. You go to the bank and they give you money. So yeah, about 25 or 30 of us, they cut loose in Chicago with plane, train bus ticket, home, yeah, and about $800 cash. So yeah, there you are. That's, that's my little military story.

Speaker 4:

He was nuking it up.

Speaker 7:

That is my little military story.

Speaker 4:

No, come on, Frank, I'll play the new one that I wrote after that.

Speaker 6:

All right.

Speaker 4:

All right, ladies and gentlemen, we got lesser James over here. He's about to hit y'all with some outlaw life, is that right? Yeah, my dude. All right, teach, hit it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm in prison. He ran a steel as a itty-bitty boy. That on the cold, yeah, no, don't you just say yeah, so taunting right had a brother billy With a wild side, and you know, don't you know that they lived that outlaw all life, then one evening. Man picked a fight. He won, no matter, yeah, who's wrong arrived. He had to put His old 45 To survive, to survive, to survive and live his outlaw life. His mom was born in His pond name climbed, his uncle Jesse. Yeah, so taunting right had a brother, billy, with a wild side, and you know, don't you know that they lived that outlaw life.

Speaker 4:

Full san Dude, that was great, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 3:

How long did you want to do like?

Speaker 2:

Right there Maybe.

Speaker 7:

Three years ago, I'm thinking three years ago maybe.

Speaker 4:

No, but how long on the process? It's fine, I sell mine, I'm just like forget about them.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, probably three years ago. Some of it's the you know some of the music part of it. It's been coming a little bit longer than that, but the lyrics and the way I want to put it together Is probably like maybe three years ago.

Speaker 3:

That's like my hardest thing, especially around here, dude, once you get to like Martin Turg and Winchester, like you can throw some originals out there, like it's a whole like thing, like they love it Up by the piano PA. It's so weird cause there's such a great music scene but like nobody wants to hear your fucking originals.

Speaker 7:

How do you think I feel playing Like the only, like the?

Speaker 3:

only people you can guess like. That is like yeah.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I actually met this motherfucker Buster James.

Speaker 3:

It was the COVID just broke. It was the first open. Like the Eagles, it was hosted by Christian Beck and, promisingly, it was the first time I ever met you. I think that's. I know that was the first time I met you. I hadn't really met Christian.

Speaker 7:

Beck, before that I thought I met you at Joel's. I thought Matt brought you to Joel's. Oh shit, you're right. So, matt, during COVID.

Speaker 3:

Because I'm like you and Mason aren't related boy During COVID, mutual friend of ours Brings. Did not care about a whole lot of.

Speaker 7:

Brings Brad To a haul gross that I'm attending and I'm sitting in the back of this garage In the states. Joel, I met Joel at that point.

Speaker 4:

Sorry, I'll get back on the mic. Prows and leaves at 24.

Speaker 3:

At that point. So Joel invited me to that. He's like can't we all just play and like Bullshit?

Speaker 7:

and hang out. Our friend Matt had told me about Brad several times. He's like man, you gotta meet this guy, brad. I'm like alright, cool man. So I'm like Brad sucks, and by the garage door Is where the stage is set up. It's playing out to everybody, you know, and I'm kind of like hanging out backstage area, I guess you would call it, don't dab as I do Just my thing. Saw, dude, I'm sitting back there and I'm doing my thing and I'm listening and I'm Dude, that guy is covering Tom Green and this shit brought me alive. You know what I mean, and I was like holy shit. I was like this guy is really cool. I was wrong, but yeah, I still hang out with him anyway.

Speaker 4:

Hey Brad, hey Brad, want an update. I literally just right now Got a Gig opening up for Chrissy and Beck.

Speaker 3:

Nice when. And so no, like Me and Lester, go back to like we were arguing, like we had civil arguments.

Speaker 5:

On this page.

Speaker 3:

Debates however you want to board it, and they were friendly, but they were like passionate Fucking debates about Politics and all that other stuff. So one's one like I met a person.

Speaker 4:

You threw the headphones on. Could you hear it?

Speaker 3:

So like I met a person that opened my deal and I'm like Listen, bro, I just want you to know like I don't take it. I'm a mean and I'm like we just fucking hung out and like I know, like we still have our little debates.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, well, that's good to talk.

Speaker 3:

It's good to talk about things, man, I think we always figured out we were on the same side. You were just like listen, bro, like you're being a little aggressive towards one side.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, pull up in his driveway.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes one side needs to hear a little bit more than the other.

Speaker 4:

Pull up in his driveway one time.

Speaker 7:

Most people walk the middle of the road man. Believe it or not, most people walk the middle of the road man. We just uh, we just talk about things differently.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 7:

So Alright, frank, I mean, Truth be told, you get everybody.

Speaker 5:

That was mega philosophical.

Speaker 7:

You get everybody in a room and you ask a question a certain way, you're gonna get an answer. You ask the question a Completely different way.

Speaker 1:

The same question.

Speaker 7:

You know what I mean, you present it and what you present. And Words trigger people, unfortunately, everybody's where's their feelings Right here, and it's.

Speaker 4:

It's sad. The only like yeah, it's hey, there's a guy here With his shirt off and he's been sitting here and Brad didn't even Recall like ten minutes.

Speaker 3:

I was like dad would take your shirt off and he put it back on cause I'm like Take your shirt off and he's like not again, not happening again.

Speaker 4:

That was a fun gig. That was fun. It was paid. Practice dude, that's what I call it. We're trying to build something there we need to.

Speaker 3:

It's a cool spot. A lot of stuff happens there. I don't like calling that one paid practice cause like it's like there's no reason for that not to be bigger than it was.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 7:

The heat Yesterday, I think, is the impact, what we're trying to do. I don't think so.

Speaker 4:

Dude, it's in BFE.

Speaker 7:

Unfortunately, mcconnell's Berg is one of those Areas that they want to hear the Radio playing or they want to hear the the karaoke.

Speaker 2:

If you got some original music.

Speaker 7:

People aren't really into it. They don't have a scene for it. If you're playing something that's Underground.

Speaker 4:

They're not really. Here's the crap part is that, frank, you know that I totally Can be that guy. I don't like being that guy, but I'm like if I'm at the Proper venue I'm like I gotta do this. Tonight it's karaoke night. I was a tower ridge.

Speaker 3:

Karaoke and DJ night. But they had Zach Grace and they had him doing his original Karaoke. So they already like free Program here to whatever. So, he comes up and does his new song and everybody eats it up. So it's not like you can't even do it, it's just the fact that, like You've got to really sell it up there, it's fucking ridiculous.

Speaker 7:

People are just closed minded to music Cause they'll hear somebody come and do a cover song In the area at a bar and myopic. If you don't cover the song and sound like the radio, people get all bent out of shape about it. If you cover it your own way, they get bent out of shape.

Speaker 3:

Somebody came up to me. I have a guy who, like I, knew him for years. He grew up I grew up right across the street from where he was. He was older than I was but like he was like a senior when I was in like middle school and he had a cop. So, like this dude, come up to me one time and hopefully have an afternoon with Mike. He's like yeah, man, like you really played Like last handsome Mary Jane, you did it really well, but like you don't sound like Tom Petty.

Speaker 4:

And I'm like thanks, I'm not trying to. I'm not Tom Petty, I don't do enough heroin for that. Sorry, rest in peace, brother.

Speaker 6:

You want to.

Speaker 4:

No, hell, no, I don't do none of the drugs. Yeah, that was, that was deep, that was cold. I put the ax on here. Mmm fair, how does the coolest quote that I've heard Come out of your mouth? Period, I've said it a lot, this was the first time you're spoofing.

Speaker 3:

That's real. Anyway, I love this no you don't?

Speaker 4:

I love Debbie too.

Speaker 6:

No, okay.

Speaker 5:

Me too.

Speaker 7:

Well, that makes three.

Speaker 4:

I just I just slipped the least hat off his head For the listeners who can't see what's happening. I'm sorry, buddy.

Speaker 1:

It's okay, bud, I was about to do my first lord.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna do that.

Speaker 6:

Go, go there. He talked to me this morning, bro. His grandma just pointed it at his father.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, yeah yeah, let's pull, let's pull the e-brake on that?

Speaker 3:

That'd be nice.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, because of Brad saying that it means something. Alright.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Touche bro, touche bro, alright so you're gonna do a song. Yeah, the one that I was talking about earlier, the shots I'm gonna do, the Shoot me. It's called shoot me. No, it's called shoot me, it's uh. It's called shoot me.

Speaker 6:

It's called shoot me.

Speaker 4:

Thank you. Yeah, I appreciate it, billy, but uh, yeah, I'm just gonna do the chorus.

Speaker 7:

Of it. I'm not gonna do the whole song. Well, I wouldn't, now that you're gonna steal my verse lyrics either. I mean shit, shhh, did you pause?

Speaker 4:

it already. Uh uh, it's still rolling and it's cool because I'm literally sitting here Looking at the audio, at the waves.

Speaker 3:

For reasons we don't have to talk about. We never got into this last time. Where did you get your training for songwriting, devin?

Speaker 4:

It's actually pretty dope. So I went and auditioned at Berkeley, Berkeley School of Music up in Boston and they said, hey, we have a satellite campus In Valencia, Spain, and they're like, for 7 Hundo, you can go there. And I'm like, yes, sign me up. So I sent them 700 bucks and, dude, I flew overseas and it was the coolest thing ever. My teacher was literally James Taylor's brother, like I've seen fire and I've seen rain. It was his brother and his daughter. They're just like all right. First day of class His name's Livingston. He's a professor at Harvard. He goes what is? This is actually a really cool story. He says what is the biggest determination of the success of a well-written song? And he has a Britney Spears mic on his ear. One kid raises his hand. He goes the melody and they go no. Another kid raised his hands, he goes harmony. No. Another kid raised his hand goes the beat. I raise my hand, he calls with me. I'm like six rows back. We're in an amphitheater that literally like the peak on it is probably about 52, the pitch on it is about 52 degrees. It's like straight up and sorry.

Speaker 7:

I'm sorry.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you're good, he goes, elaborate. I'm like the emotion he goes tell me more. I said when you hear Percy Sledge saying when a man loves a woman, there are sour notes left and right throughout the entire thing. But let me tell you I'll be damned if you don't feel it. And he goes bingo, snaps his fingers and points to me and I was just like dude. One of the most gratifying moments of my life.

Speaker 7:

So where had you read that from?

Speaker 5:

I'm I'm well read Get out of here, Frank.

Speaker 6:

Wait, Debbie can read.

Speaker 5:

Damn right, I can, I can write too I don't know.

Speaker 6:

You needed Lester's help today for two songs.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thanks, frank. I'm not going to tell you who sent this message, but somebody sent me a message of a picture of a door at the liquor store that's like a mouth of a white cloth.

Speaker 1:

And the sign says I'm afraid of real beer door.

Speaker 4:

So All right. So I felt I felt 10 feet and bulletproof rolling into this, and then you say that Neat, all right, so here we go.

Speaker 6:

It's actually Devin fields, not Debbie, but taking away Debbie, yeah, billy.

Speaker 5:

This shot of whiskey is for when you kiss me Didn't feel a damn thing at all. This shot and Jack is for when you're back You're back, you, open to the car, and this skin love says I don't need your terrain, I'm operate anymore. Make us in. Yeah, jameson, and I see, please take away these memories, take each shot so you can't shoot me. This shot with ski is for when you kiss me, didn't feel a damn thing at all. This shot and Jack is for when you're back, you're back, you open to the car. This is a killer says I don't need your terrain, I'm operate anymore. Make us in. Yeah, jameson, and I see. Please take away these memories, take each shot so you can't shoot me.

Speaker 6:

Debbie, that was a great song.

Speaker 7:

Good job, dude.

Speaker 6:

Thanks, you're definitely getting changed in my phone to Debbie from here on out.

Speaker 4:

I'm with Billy. I'm cool with it with your sister. I'm not with Brad. I'm not. It's fine on Snapchat, brad. What's my name on Snapchat? All right, hey, hey, hey, hey. And Billy already picked up on it.

Speaker 6:

Huh, jesus, you're the one who posted it. Yeah, it's coming out this week. You don't fuck you fucking river at Hi Devon when you playing at this weekend Devon wait, I don't recognize.

Speaker 4:

Wait, what's what's my name? Hey, debbie, where you playing at this week? Nevermind.

Speaker 6:

We said Devon like three times yeah. So now it just means we have to call you Debbie. From here on out it's no longer Devon fields on stage, it's Debbie on stage. Oh, that's not even on this calendar.

Speaker 4:

I'm playing no, it is, I'm playing at the crab free, the crab free, the crab feed in Boone's Morrow On Monday, and then I'm playing at the gun drawing on the 22nd down in Green Castle. They have a gun drawing happening at the campground, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Last James on vacation the next couple weeks. Yes, indeed.

Speaker 7:

I got stuff coming up the love of vintage and I'll be in Stone Town Cafe, my favorite, absolute favorite place to play in Huntington, pennsylvania, august 12th. Never been to Stone Town, check it out, man. They got amazing foe food. They got an outside garden like area. There's a great stage there. What food.

Speaker 6:

Your boy won't be in town, wait we're going Jolts.

Speaker 3:

Well, you got three shows that they see.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you are, I'll show up for that. I'll figure it out. Can I get a 1985? You got any more? Then Damn, I love them.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to be at Gearhouse on the 21st and Chambersburg and Energy Team Chateau Bar William's Board on the 22nd. Love that place. I love whenever you're standing in front of a projector that's projecting an ocean. I don't know if there's something about it that really calms my body.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it feels like being at a swing or slug.

Speaker 3:

So when you're going back to Hereford, Hereford Upside town.

Speaker 7:

Probably towards the end of August I'll be back in Hereford.

Speaker 3:

That place is really awesome too.

Speaker 7:

Yep, hereford Hottaway.

Speaker 4:

Upside down pineapple vibes.

Speaker 7:

Obey was there. They are having the ACDC tribute band there at the end of the month.

Speaker 4:

Back in black.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, back in black.

Speaker 3:

Dude, those guys are disgusting you know, like ACDC, I don't pronounce it, I literally just bash it completely. This is that podcast. But yeah, if you like it, bro, that band is.

Speaker 5:

ACDC Show off.

Speaker 3:

Damn, we just have to do whatever things. Hey Billy, where are you going to be at next?

Speaker 6:

week I'll be in Virginia Beach at the Fall Out Boy and bring me the Horizon show Nice.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:

That'll be cool. I'm going to ball my eyes out whenever they bring me the Horizon. Sing Strangers. I'm going to cry like a little fucking baby.

Speaker 3:

I have somebody who's like you only have the major and you can just be there and, like you know the concert, you just come to this concert.

Speaker 6:

you have to pay for it, or anything, you should win Debbie, and I would be there.

Speaker 2:

It's not Virginia.

Speaker 6:

Beach it's a lot of beer, all the ones at Jiffy Lube. I mean I'm all about seeing Fall Out Boy. Like speaking of Fall Out Boy, I know like Yellow Card did kill it.

Speaker 3:

last week in Boston, though and I was not expecting that at all there were a bunch of people that did something to it.

Speaker 4:

But you know the whole thing.

Speaker 6:

Well, dude, have you all heard Fall Out Boy's like cover of like we Didn't Start the Fire.

Speaker 5:

I think it's pretty fucking good. Yeah dude have you heard David Matthews cover.

Speaker 4:

I dug it. I dug it. Wait, it's G. We don't play Tuppers on here, you gotta talk about it. I'll play it. He's like ah house Talking to Ed's. Uh, what's that song? Burning Down the House. Dude. Dave Matthews cover of Burning Down the House is disgusting. I mean I know we're not, but it's kind of in line.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I think it's really fucking good.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 4:

I dig it too. I've heard it it's dope.

Speaker 7:

I like it when bands make songs their own, and it's a change, because I mean, let's face it, anybody that's anybody, that's anybody big that covers a song. It doesn't sound anything.

Speaker 4:

And Patrick Stump is a dude. That's like when you hear him, it's him, you know what I mean. So like if he's covering something you're like I know.

Speaker 3:

You're bashing them for covering this song whenever, like nobody gave a shit whenever he was helping him.

Speaker 4:

Take a look at my girlfriend.

Speaker 6:

I only got da, da, da da Well, I mean, dude, here's the thing. Right, the song technically is a cover, yes, but they made it their own. They did current events from what like 1985 to now. Yeah like Billy Joel, did you know from whenever? To like 1984. And then they took 1985 onward and I'm like.

Speaker 3:

I was like, well, they didn't do it in order and I'm like I didn't know that was a thing because, like I've heard other people cover this and do this shit before you know what I mean. Like it's not like they're the first band to cover this song, to do exactly what they did.

Speaker 5:

Hey, where do you go next month, next month.

Speaker 3:

Who knows?

Speaker 6:

I'll be away at my annual training.

Speaker 3:

So like I don't for the listeners. So like it's me and Devin are going to fill in a couple times.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 3:

Me and Devin are going to fill in. A couple times you did it yourself. I don't know why you keep getting mad when we say, devin, when you bring it out of us, we got Matt Ubank and.

Speaker 6:

Mike Paladino and then Wait.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're helping you out. We got the ghosts. What is it?

Speaker 4:

And then Did you not know how close I?

Speaker 6:

am with Mike. I didn't, I didn't. And then we got Julia McCann and Alec McCann from Ghosted in West Virginia. That's going to be helping out as well, while I'm going.

Speaker 4:

You're talking about the Italian drummer.

Speaker 6:

Well, he's a singer now, but he's a drummer.

Speaker 4:

He sings.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, he sings 12th, since they just played Friday night.

Speaker 4:

Dude Mike Paladino. What?

Speaker 3:

So like we're gonna play with him. No, he's helping with the podcast.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

Dude. Mike Paladino is like one of my best friends.

Speaker 4:

For real.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, for real.

Speaker 4:

Ask him if he knows Devin Fields.

Speaker 6:

I'll ask him if he knows Debbie.

Speaker 4:

Billy. I used to like you, bro, hey.

Speaker 3:

Billy. He has some like fucking back. He's been blustin' his ass here the last couple weekends to make sure that he has a couple more of these and like he can get all these fucking podcasts in here before he goes over to wherever.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, I mean I think Not right here, but um, we're talking about it before you got here, yeah, but um. He's not Like my.

Speaker 4:

NDA. I can't talk about that, we can't talk about it yeah.

Speaker 3:

Alright, I got it. So before he goes on vacation.

Speaker 6:

Well, I mean, I'm not afraid to say like I'm deploying, but I can't say where that's opposite. That's fine, we're gonna do every intro.

Speaker 7:

We're gonna do every intro Certain stuff you can't talk about. Yeah, I get it.

Speaker 3:

We're gonna do every intro like the Dave Chappelle skit whenever he was gone.

Speaker 6:

Whoa, hang on Whenever.

Speaker 3:

Dave Chappelle left Dude. I remember that, but they kept doing the Chappelle show and they're like where did you go, dude?

Speaker 4:

do you remember they had the?

Speaker 3:

No, because they weren't as good, because Dave Chappelle wasn't there.

Speaker 4:

They had the Tron skit back then. Do you remember that? Was Chappelle there or was it after? It was at that time when Chappelle wasn't there. Yeah, I didn't know, because they sucked they had no, like they were so fucking much. They totally disagree because they had the skit about Tron when they talked about the richest black man in the world. It was at that time. I didn't watch it because like he wasn't there the first couple of words Alright, never mind, he goes, I just bought this baby cash money.

Speaker 3:

So they were just gonna be tracking them. That's not funny, dave.

Speaker 4:

What up, epstein? He didn't kill himself.

Speaker 7:

What up?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 7:

He did not kill himself.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead and give your outro. You all give your outro.

Speaker 6:

This has been a damn good podcast. Okay, if this is your first time listening to the Wilson King podcast, it's my first time being here. Does that count? It does, okay. Thank you for tuning in. If you are trying to find us, you can find us on all socials at the Wilson King podcast. You can also find our website at thewilsonkingpodcastcom. All of our episodes are on there. All of our videos are on there, and if you liked this episode, give us a review. If you didn't like it, give us a review. Let us know that we're shit and probably shouldn't keep doing this. Who cares? But we also have a merch store on there. We have t-shirts, sweatshirts, men's tank tops, men's tank tops, women's tank tops, backpacks, beanie, snapbacks, coffee mugs Pretty much. If you want it, we got it. Go check it out. Support the show so we can keep bringing you a banger show. Thank you all for tuning in. Have a great rest of your week, be safe, be responsible, don't drink and drive Peace.

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